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Arlecchino Nude with Body Sliders (Member's Uncensored Gallery)

Arlecchino Nude with Body Sliders (Public Gallery)

  • Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad

  • Arm texturing assistance provided by Detona on LewdModdingTeam


Even though the body slider tool is quite unreliable, I thought I'd give it another shot - and it worked! I made a straight nude mod for Arlecchino (although I prefer having the stockings on - they just look fantastic with the nude torso), then proceeded to give her a few different slider options - boob size, thigh/ass size, and a couple that lets you play a little bit with the pussy!

While I can't really do toggle mods with slider mods, if you all like these let me know and I'll make them more often (if I can manage)! :D


Hot keys:

H - to toggle slider menu

Y - to reset sliders to defaults

Hold Alt to show cursor + Hold RMB on slider to drag them around

+++++++++Update TexFX and ORFix for 4.6 for this mod please+++++++++++



Both of these have been updated since 4.6, so if you have any issues, try updating them before asking for help! TexFx also includes a new outline shader function that I've used here to provide more accurate outline colors; really helps with Arlecchino's skin gradient transition.

Uses 'ORFix' to fix reflections and outlines. Download from


And place in your 3DM genshin ./mods/buffervalues/ folder

Instructions @





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