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Howdy everyone! Thank you to all who have stuck with me thus far, and your support. <3 I wanted to share what happened during the last month and the seemingly lack of consistent uploads compared to usual, because it was quite a fustercluck ordeal.

To give you some ideas of the not-so-great events that partook in the last month that interfered with my work schedule (which includes art, streaming, commissions, and more), we experienced:
- Father relapsed into Covid and in ER
- Mother with kidney trouble...and also in ER
- A huge mental step backward in my mental health with the current USA climate (unfortunately a lot of people are dealing with this)
- Multiple power outages due to heatwaves
- And a menagerie of other daily life complications including negative (and expensive) interactions with the landlord, automobile shop, veterinarian, pharmacies, and more.

It has been a fun month.

On higher notes, we did get a visit from a out-of-state friend during Pride which helped a lot with my mental health, got a new 3D printer at over 50% off, and made more progress on projects/lessons including RagnarokVR, hatching with a caligraphy/fountain pen, and digital painting. 

For the upcoming month, we plan on continuing to practice 3D printing software and painting, get a new update for RagnarokVR out, and work on several animation commissions/projects, plus our standard Twitch streaming (including art, games, and a birthday party near the end of July~), more digital painting, and more!

TL:DR - June fucked me up, but I plan on doing my best with July, even if it means throwing a collar on it to tug tight while I make it my bitch. I will let that visual just settle in your brains for the time being.


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