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Howdy all. I wanted to make this post right away as a aid to ease the concerns given the most recent updates being forced upon everyone by the assholes known as Apple, and what that entails for you as a subscriber.

1) What is Apple doing THIS time?
Starting in November. if you acquire a new subscription to a creator on Patreon through your iOS app, Apple will charge an additional in-app-store fee to your subscription (around an additional $5/month), which go directly to Apple and not the creators you are supporting. Why? Well you can read their press release but we all know it's about monopolization and control and greed.

2) I use the iOS Patreon app. What should I do?
For the sake of your wallet and sanity, delete the app. Patreon's app is already not great, and you will not have to worry about stupid additional fees or loading issues or missing out on info through it. The browser/website works great, and I recommend everyone (including Android users) use it as their default. This can be done either on desktop, laptop, or mobile fortunately.

Side note, I do recommend downloading and using the MEGA Uploader app to view the content. No account needed, and is a stable app if you view my content on mobile often. Plus it is more stable for downloading or viewing all that 4K animation goodness.

3) I don't use the iOS application (and/or) I am an existing subscriber (and/or) I am subscribing through the browser/Android app. Am I affected by these new fees?
Fortunately not. You are free from this skullduggery.

4) Will there be changes to my billing?
-If you are an existing member, you will continue to be charged the same amount on the 1st of every month like it has been doing. So no need to worry.
-If you are a new member, you will be charged monthly on the day you sign up every month (ex. sign up today on Aug. 12, and your next charge will Sept. 12).

5) How does this affect creators?
Starting in November, all creators will need to switch to the new subscription schedule of each individual being charged on the day they sign up every month, rather than the first of every month. Personally, this makes my income less stable due to the payout that goes to my bills like rent becoming less consistent at the start of the months. So that's great. /s

TL:DR Am I affected by this new bullshit?
Not until November, and only if you pay for a new subscription through the Patreon app on Apple's iOS. Existing members and those who use the browsers or Android app will not be affected.


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