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Here are the winners.



Austin powers lets go


Avatar: The Way of Water was just added to SYNC, FYI to those who missed it

Shaun Myers

“Harold and Kumar go to White Castle” lol 😂The second one isss sooo FUNNNY 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂👌🏾💯💯


Austin Powers: The Spy who shagged me is the real name of it

Cave Vidal

With about 2 weeks left, hopefully they at least react to 2 or 3 movies from the poll


Y'all should start the Firefly/Serenity series.

Hiraoka Toru

I picked the wrong month to resub to their patreon. Only six reactions so far and none from the poll.


Their output has lagged the last few months. I did see something about them moving to a new space, but I am not aware of any follow-up on that,

Paul Rich

Saw 2? Really? A slasher movie? The rest are acceptable. I just will never understand the appeal of slasher movies and sad it is on the list. I love it when they laugh and 40 Year Old Virgin would do that. I briefly knew Kat Dennings at that time. We both lived in Toluca Lake and she walked with her mom by my house.

Victor Kaps

they really liked the 1st Saw movie, and Saw 2 is really good as well. So why not.

Dan Sopranos

HELLO Would any of you Subscribers be interested in ... a GROUP THE SOPRANOS REACTION + Larry (if he hasn't seen it) Leave me a comment 🙃

Paul Rich

Just my opinion. I am surprised they liked it because their reactions reflect that what they are watching is real. I don't mind horror spoofs like Scream which was produced by Miramar and distributed by Disney ironically. I actually worked on the Disney marketing for Scream 1 when I was there.

Cave Vidal

Good evenings sir, they barely do movie reactions at all anymore this year. Even if they do, they don't commit to longer shows besides GOT 😬

Aaron Barlow

Slasher movies do not scare me, they're usually flesh and blood human psychos, I always feel that if I was there I could take them out, use an improvised weapon etc. For me only supernatural horror is scary.


Didn't King Kong win one of the previous polls?


lol you think they can commit to a multi season show? there's already a bunch of half finished shows up. and i highly doubt sopranos is going to fit with this react channel anyways. breaking bad is more pulpy and accessible and they didn't finish that one.


Austin Powers: Spy who Shagged me should be a group reaction definitely!