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Django Unchained Full Reaction

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Aldous Orwell

I fucking love you guys, thank you for watching movies with me.

Anders Pettersson

Just love the reactions and also love the actor who plays dr schultz aka the dentist, same guy who plays the bad guy in Inglorious bastards. Hans Landa, great underrated actor


2:01:17 in you're reaction.. When Leonard Dicaprio cut his hand in the scene when they're at dinner , he really did in real life. He's just a phenomenal actor , and kept on acting , and Tarantino kept rolling the camera's.


This was the reality for millions of black American slaves. The reality of American history. A wound that still hasn't healed in my country.


I think everyone should learn more about the history of slavery in America, especially Americans themselves. Until I got to college, I barely ever read first-hand accounts from former slaves, outside of a few of the more famous names. If you want to know why Samuel Jackson's character acted the way he did, you should read Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It's a controversial novel now for some its depictions of slavery, but the author was trying to garner the sympathy of whites in the North with characters the people of that time would feel sympathy for. It did serve it's purpose and pull more people into the abolitionist cause. Jackson's character is Tarantino's extreme version of Uncle Tom. While Tarantino always makes things more extreme than they were, outside of a few anachronisms there's nothing in this that goes outside of the cruelty slaves could face. Just look up a photo of "whipped peter," the man's name was actually Gordon, don't know why they called him Peter. He fought in the union army, and posed for a picture in a paper during the civil war, showing his scars from being whipped. And if you read what slave owners were writing back then to try to defend slavery, you'll find they actually spent quite a bit of time trying to justify their actions to both themselves and others, which to me says they knew damn well what they were doing was wrong; some slaveholders even openly admitted it was morally depraved but still kept their slaves out of greed, like Thomas Jefferson, who could have freed his slaves before he died, but because of his debt would have become a poor man. He wasn't willing to truly stand up and act on what he knew was right. A very, very few actually gave up on that greed, like Cassius Clay who upon inheriting his father's plantation freed all of the slaves, costing him the equivalent of 1.2 million dollars in today's money. He was an outspoken abolitionist in the South who a few tried to assassinate. He became the ambassador to Russia during the Civil War, which actually threatened war with France and England if they sided with the Confederacy. Definitely read his story, his life was absurd. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassius_Marcellus_Clay_(politician) It's a nasty part of history, and now we're struggling with a bunch of ignorant fools who want to keep statues of some of those slavers and openly racist men standing, claiming it's just history, but ignoring the actual history of those monuments, that they were all built after the civil war, as a glorification of white oppression in the Jim Crowe South. I don't understand how people can grow up with black neighbors, and not come to understand why that hurts them.


Yeah Slavery is a nasty history in the US , but Slavery has not ended around the world. There's still million just enslaved in Sub-sahara Africa alone today. The Islamic Slave trade might have been the worst of all , and I never hear anyone bring that one up . Lasted much longer & was far more brutal than slavery in the US. Started in 7th century , and didn't end until early 20th century post World War I . They say at least 18 million slaves were killed during those times , and most of those years they don't think their was even a 40 million population in Africa , that's how insane & cruel that is. It's almost impossible to find family today from Islamic Slave trade ,becuz they castrated all the men , and killed babies either at birth or when the mother was still pregnant. If u were a slave in the Islamic Slave trade and survived...u were beyond lucky ! Very hard to find family today that had ancestors that went through that one

William Abbott

every society had slaves at one time, from europe to africa, asia and the americas

Hego Damask

Because people have vested interest in it not healing. Racial politics is good cash cow, and gets votes