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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.mp4


Edward Olson

Ellie, the joke about the "rubber duck" is that Mr. Weasley seems to think that it has a function, when it's simply a bath toy. He doesn't know what so many Muggle things are, so he assumes a rubber duck must be for something.

Edward Olson

The name "Diagon Alley" is a play on the English word "diagonally" which means angled instead of straight. "Knockturn Alley" is a play on the English word "nocturnally" which means at night. Harry said "Diagonalilly" instead of "Diagon Alley."

Edward Olson

It's not mentioned in the movies but there was a fear in the war 13 years earlier that Voldemort would know when you said his name and would come after you, so people started saying "You Know You" or "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

Edward Olson

Finally, Tom Riddle mentioned Harry's mother being a "mudblood" but didn't mention the Father because Riddle hated people born from non-Magic (Muggle) parents. Harry's father was from a wizarding family, but his mother was not. Riddle didn't specifically hate Harry's father.


It's really cool to watch it again - this time with you :) Can we now when you upload "The Prisoner of Azkaban" (and others ofc)?