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The Homies


Band of Brothers 2 Full REACTION Uncut.mp4



So happy you're doing this series. This really is one of the best mini-series ever made.

Catherine LW

That was Hall, the radio operator who Lt. Winters first met when he landed, who was killed at Brecourt Manor, and Winters was waving the flies from his face. Guarnere, who started shooting the Germans in the horse-drawn wagon before Winters gave the signal, was angry because his older brother was killed fighting in Italy. The Americans landed first in Africa, then moved their way to Italy, with the British. Guarnere was called “Wild Bill” because of that. The clickers, or “crickets”, were used to see if a hidden person was a friend or foe. If you heard someone in the bushes, you click once. If they are a friend, they answer by clicking twice. If you see someone in the dark, you say “flash”, and they’re supposed to answer “thunder” so you know they’re not the enemy. Enjoyed this, and Ellie, you are a trooper for watching this tough but great show!