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Thanks a lot for your comments, with your opinion it was easy to spot things to fix like the face which had a lot of unnecessary detail and that ended making her ugly af XD I've changed her expression as well, I think she looks very cute now hehehe.
Another thing was the armpits which is a part I like a lot but only needed less contrast.
Thanks a lot for your comments, they help me a lot to become a better artist :D




Dunno if it was so much a fix so much as just an alteration to increase the general appeal. There wasnt anything wrong with the old version, it just had facets that folks didnt enjoy.


I personally appreciate the original for her looking somewhat older and different than just the generic cute you can see pretty much anywhere. Not knocking the rework but the way the face got all smoothed down and it just became that simple smile feels a lot less memorable imo


I feel you, I mean I agree that was nothing wrong with the older one, I do like to exaggerate expressions but I feel that now is cute hehe


Thanks a lot for that, i'm glad you like the older one. As a visual artist I did expressive and very exaggerated art in the past which remains visible. It's indeed interesting when it comes to female bodies but now i'm more into the balance between my style and cute anime faces, I want to keep the expression but is hard. I'm happy that you appreciate my style, I'll keep the work to find that balance between old and where I want to go :D Sorry for my twisted english XD


By the way where's Lolinko , i miss that THICC loli

Earl Armstrong

A charming point of Veronica's design is that she fairly young looking but has a beautifully mature body; a cute face but a chubby bod which I love. The water park image display that balance quite well, so I understand why you did a edit of this one. No surprise but I like both. The first one helps to capture a moment in time, which isn't always pretty when your drunk and the second is of course the fan favourite. Cool stuff, sorry for the long post.


You were right, with a beautiful face, everything became much more interesting, and in this new version you have conserved important features of Veronica, beautiful, cute and voluminous. The armpit fetish is very complex, they pass a message of natural, something homemade, intimate and mature, it is a very important part for a naughty mother, it is through them that we can often see the dirty, lazy, less correct side of a woman, hair and the smell explodes all this in the subconscious, that is why they attract many men, In the last drawings, Veronica has her armpits very clean, I hope you will keep her less perfect, as she has been for some time. Good job.


Love both honestly. This one looks cleaner of course, but the previous one also had it's charm i think


The left side image is much better.