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Veronica needed to take care of Luke's health and decided to inspect the element XD but she was not expecting it to be that way I guess...
It was a long correction process, you know, erasing lines and drawing them again to get a "decent" look. I also fixed her hair and neck and other little things.
Hope you like the way it's looking. I'm a little busy with the patreon commissions, this animation and another two for the game demo scene. Hope to finish the colors soon. I know that you understand that this kinda things take time but just imagine to change something in an animation...If something it's bad and actually it happens all the time just imagine to erase 33 times and redraw 33 times in this case XD a pain in the ass but a sweet pain because I love this :) . I'm so excited to watch this with the colors done!
Thanks a lot for your support!!



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