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Hello everyone! I have to make a great announcement I'm sure you will love!

In order to provide more content and variety I inform you that I will share this patron with my friend pallasite who has an unique and delicious art.

Here his art tumblr http://pallasiteworld.tumblr.com/

Several of you surely have seen drawings of him that I have shared here.

Why do I do this?

Sometimes is not so easy to produce, plus the pressure of getting an income to subsist . It's normal that the stuff you draw start to change because of it and that's the thing I don't want for my projects (I mean when the art starts to be like...Generic). I want to keep the quality (even if i'm not great as other artists) I do love to learn and improve my skills. So my idea it's to team with pallasite, a great friend and artist who encourages me and also inspires me a lot to produce more art and keep up the works.

Something you have to know it's that we will be not working on the same projects, but working on each one stuff. This patreon will be the place where both of us submit the art and updates for you. In less words my stuff keeps the same, the only change is that I'll do more plus you got more stuff since here's another artist doing art :D

The idea it's that we can dedicate completely to this. Now that we are two, the amount of art will be double.
You can write your thoughts and opinions on the comments :D

I hope you will receive it kindly.



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