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Hello everyone, Please excuse my long absence. Today I am working again to publish a double catalog on August 15th.

These days have been very stressful and distressing for me, you have probably already seen it on the news. On July 28th there were presidential elections in Venezuela, and many Venezuelans went out to vote, to protect the results and to do activism to defend our rights. But the dictator president of Venezuela decided not to recognize the results and to cling to power, imprisoning all citizens who do not support him, repressing and killing innocent civilians who peacefully protest. These last few weeks I have been very busy fighting for my country, for my freedom and that of millions of Venezuelans who want change.

But I must also work and be responsible with my commitments. I will be working tirelessly these days to fulfill my responsibilities to you. Making custom content for sims is my job, this allows me to pay for everything (rent, food, utilities, etc) because unfortunately the minimum wage in Venezuela is 5 - 8 dollars a month.

Thank you very much for your support, thank you very much for your love. I will keep you informed about my situation and posting previews of new content.

(This Gif is a peaceful protest against the dictatorship in my city, I promise to be careful and stay safe, because the police forces are arresting all the people who protest against the Dictatorship)




Oh, sweetheart, you come first. Like Tunapaw said - keep yourself safe and please don't worry about the pixel people. I am a mom, and I wish I could give you a hug. ❤️❤️❤️