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A piece recommended to me via my Suggestion Box here on Patreon.

Camille attempts to host a Thanksgiving dinner at home, with Bonnie and Gael (Bonnie's personal nanny) joining in the festivities as her guests.  Unfortunately though, despite the rest of the meal turning out well, the turkey might have turned out a bit over-cooked (read here as "charred to the point of being inedible").

Oh well, eating turkey on Thanksgiving is overrated anyway; especially when pizza is far more delicious.  =p

Regardless though, to everyone seeing this, I hope you guys had a Happy Thanksgiving; and if you're not the sort to celebrate it, well, I hope you had a good day either way.  =3

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




Nice touch on the "Best Friends" picture frame in the background. :)


Thanks, I like to try and put little touches like that into some of the pieces I do, especially if they'll make a nice addition to the background somewhere. =3 Anyway, thanks for the comment, and I hope you enjoy the piece. :)


Happy thanksgiving satsumalord

The Lazy Author

Interesting to a see Bonnie in a more classy/fanciful outfit. ‘Tis nice looking. Kinda see a bit of her mom in her. Just a bit. Scenes like this also help remind you just how big these chars are, particularly Bonnie here being so top heavy. She takes up pretty much 1/3 of the table, nearly spill onto Gael’s dinner utensils. Nice of Camille to let her rest her breasts there. Hopefully it’ll keep Camille from placing that dark poultry onto the table, else I have a feeling Bonnie will be eating those words… and that turkey. 8X Do wish I would pay attention to these pics sooner when they appeared in my email and comment on them during the sketch and inking process to give a bit of assistance via critique. Just been a bit slow due to one reason or another and haven’t been motivated to comment or participate in this as much as I use to. Sorry about that.


No worries, it's alright. I just appreciate your continued support of my Patreon. :)