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Hey all, it's SatsumaLord here; just wanted to let people know that due to both real-life and technical issues, it'll still be a while yet before I have any new content up for Patreon (Photoshop has apparently decided to betray me, and with that being the case, I'm trying to spend more time practicing with Clip Studio, while still getting what few pieces I have worked on finished in Photoshop).

I am still working on things though, and with any luck, I'll have at least a couple of new things up sometime in the next few days.  For now though, I'll see about getting this month's Suggestion Box up and running, so that I can at least keep up with that part of my Patreon page.

Anyway, I truly am sorry for the inconvenience I've caused everyone this past month, but I thank you all ahead of time for your continued patience and support; both are immensely appreciated right now.  :)



Sorry to hear about the Photoshop betraying you dude, take as much time as you need!