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Not much to this one; just Annie contemplating her size somewhat, as she looks down upon herself while in her underwear (or as close to underwear as she can wear with her pregnant form).

She's still fairly shy about her whole situation (especially with the fact that she still has plenty more growing to do before her pregnancy is over), but at the same time, she feels weirdly content about it too.  As to why, I'll admit that I'm not entirely sure.

Maybe despite her initial concerns, she now looks forward to being a mom?  Or perhaps it's something more simple; after all, there's a strange satisfaction when it comes to "getting bigger", and being able to bring so many new lives into the world could be seen as a very "powerful" feeling.  X3

Regardless though, I hope you all enjoy the piece.  =3

Annie and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




Love the expression on her face, she's still weary of the whole thing but at the same time she's excited for all the life within her~


Dang her belly sticks out far. She looks very cute here. Good work!