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Just wanted to say that in light of recent events in Ukraine, while I'm still trying to work on commissions and Patreon content, I may be late/delayed in actually putting out new content.

I'm trying to stay informed of the unfurling situation, but at the same time, it's hard to not let my anxiety and sorrow of the situation at hand get the better of me.  I'm trying to stay hopeful for the future, but here lately, it just seems to be getting harder and harder to do so.

Anyway, sorry to bring things down like this; just stay safe and take care of yourselves.



We all are concerned, even more in Europe, still try to think about other things but still. Keep us happy with your drawings you bring joy to us during those troubled times !


Oh don't worry, I'm still hammering away at things; hopefully I'll even have some new stuff posted up very soon. It's just a lot of added stress is all. ^_^;