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A sketch commission for Oneitvan, here on Patreon.

Now as I understand it, Sophia here works at a local bakery, where a lot of times, she ends up being the "sample girl" for the place; typically offering mini-cupcakes to anyone and everyone that passes by the front of the store.

And as an employee to a bakery, she tends to get a number of baked goods for free; or at the very least, at a highly discounted price. And judging by her figure, it's pretty easy to tell where all of those free cupcakes, cookies, pies and other treats went. =p

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the piece. :) And if you're curious to know more of Sophia's story, be sure to ask Oneitvan about her, especially since I'm pretty sure I forgot the vast majority of the details for her story. ^_^;

Sophia copyright Oneitvan

artwork copyright SatsumaLord




AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Thank you so much Sats, it turned out way cuter then I thought it would!!!


I love Sophia she cute