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Hey there, it's SatsumaLord here; just wanted to let people know that despite this month being fairly quiet on the Patreon front, I am working on new content, and hopefully I'll be able to start posting up said content sometime soon (at least before the month is over).

Real-life just liked to keep me busier than normal these past several weeks is all, namely by deciding that I apparently needed to not only get my car fixed yet again, but also by deciding that I needed a new microwave, as well as to teach me the importance of having my health insurance in order, so I don't have to pay hundreds of dollars just to see my doctor, and to make sure my medications are filled out on time.  ^_^;

Regardless though, I think a lot of that stuff has been taken care of now (or at least, I really hope so); so the plan now is to actually start putting together what I owe for this month, and to maybe even get a little bit ahead on Patreon stuff, so that hopefully when the next time something like this happens, you guys won't be completely without content until nearly the end of the month.  ^_^;

Anyway, thanks ahead of time for your continued patience and support; and with any luck, I'll have some cool pics ready for you all in the next few days.  =3

Oh and expect a new poll to be put up in the next day or so; so that I can see about getting that figured out while I work on what I owe now.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope that you're all doing well. :)



Ok I got it


America is such a grand and aspirational third world hellhole, ain't it?