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Hey all, it's SatsumaLord here; I just wanted to apologize again for the delays regarding this month's Patreon content - it was never my intention to have this month's content be this late, but hopefully having at least some of the pieces posted now will help to rectify the issue.

As for the Suggestion Box piece, along with the other poll-related art piece, if I'm extremely lucky, I'll have both pieces finished and posted before the month of May is over.  With that said though, that may not be the case, as it's looking more likely that either one or both pieces will end up actually being completed sometime in the first week of June.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for the lack of content and for the delays of promised artwork.  I'll be making it a point to finish what I owe for the month of May, and I intend to be more punctual with my Patreon content in the future going forward (or at the very least, to be more transparent on why new content is taking so long to develop).

In any case though, thank you for reading and for your patience; it truly is appreciated.



Take as much time as you need dude! ^^