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And the continuation from here ---> ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/rivalry-begins-1-40705935 ), starts now! =D

After Stu's pep talk (and their sweet, but somewhat awkward, hug), the two of them began searching around the pool for a bite to eat; and although there wasn't much to be found at the pool party itself (food and drink wasn't usually allowed in and around the pool grounds), something did ultimately catch Ginny's eye.

"Oh hey!" exclaimed Ginny, "there's a hot dog eating contest going on in the clubhouse! That might be good."

Stu soon discovered what Ginny was even talking about. On the door to the clubhouse entrance was a simple flyer, which he began to read aloud.

"Mondo Moors Apartments - Hot Dog Eating Contest, all the red-hots you can eat, no entry fee, no prize, just glory."

Stu then playfully glared at Ginny, "when I asked if you wanted something to eat, I didn't mean to challenge you to a sausage-themed battle royale".

Ginny giggled, "I wasn't planning on it either, but since we're here, might as well take advantage of it, right?"

"I mean, who could ever say 'no' to a free hot dog? Or 20? Or however many I can actually fit in here?"

Ginny then patted her stomach lightly as she speculated over its potential capacity, and soon found herself salivating at the idea of filling herself to the gills with free food; Stu was glad to know that despite having to deal with someone like Candi earlier in the day, her appetite didn't seem to be impacted too badly by the ordeal.

As Stu opened the door to the clubhouse, Ginny moved inside, with him soon following suit. The clubhouse wasn't anything particularly special - it was usually just an empty space, with only a few chairs and tables dotting the area, as well as the occasional plastic house plant.  Today though, it was bustling with people; with several folding chairs and circular tables neatly arranged around the back of the room (as well as the occasional plastic house plant - guess the event coordinators didn't want to bother moving them).

The back area with all of the tables was obviously the competitors' stage, made all the more obvious by the seemingly mountainous mounds of hot dogs, piled high on large silver trays, along with the rather obvious banner hung up on the back wall.

The only other table in the room was the sign-in desk at the front, close to the main entrance. It was being manned by a rather average-looking rabbit, and after greeting the bunny attendant, Ginny quickly scribbled her name on the sign-in page and soon found herself being escorted to her seat at the competition space.

Stu decided not to participate in the contest however, as he actually wasn't even that hungry (and to be honest, he wasn't sure if he'd ever be that hungry for that much tubed meat, on any level). He'd be sure to cheer for Ginny in the audience though, as he tended to view himself in a more supportive role anyway.

The audience's space, by the way, wasn't anything to write home about. There weren't even any chairs for it; the audience was expected to stand and watch the proceedings from behind a series of belt stanchions, about ten feet or so away from the competitors' space. And worse yet, the audience itself was so closely packed together, that Stu had to practically fight through a virtual tide of people, just so he could find a good spot to actually watch the dang thing from (really, it was just outrageous, and probably even a potential fire-hazard too).

Regardless though, once Ginny found her seat (or in her case, two seats, due to the event coordinators expressing concern over her sheer "plushness" exceeding a single chair's weight limit), she began to take stock of the other competitors.

By the looks of things, there were four other contestants; with all of them varying wildly in size, shape, species and age. One contestant was a paunchy ocelot that looked to be well into his eighties; another was a thin fox that looked like he had only just graduated high school. A third was a rather muscular, yet bulky sheep woman, that could easily have been mistaken for a tractor; while the fourth was Jill, an otter that looked to be pregnant with twins (everyone knew her name due to her husband cheering for her in the audience - he was holding up a white sign that read "GO JILL!!!" in red and blue marker).

The only unifying them about them seemed to be that they were all dressed in swimwear; meaning at some point or another, all of them were either close to, or directly attending, the pool party earlier that day. It probably wasn't really all that important of a detail to notice, but Ginny still noted the fact into her mind anyway. If nothing else, it helped her to feel a bit more comfortable about being judged by throngs of strangers; since, you know, everybody else was parading around in a swimsuit, so in a way, everybody else was kinda on the same weird level as her.

...it, it made more sense in Ginny's head at the time.

In any case, after sizing up her competition, Ginny began to feel confident that she'd win without too much of an issue; though to be honest, she wasn't really interested in winning. I mean, if she did win, that'd be cool; but really, she was just in it for the free food. Competitiveness wasn't actually in Ginny's nature; or at least, she liked to think that was the case.

That was, until contestant number five showed up, and took a seat opposite of Ginny's table.

"Hey Small-Fry!" stated a familiar voice that struck Ginny to her very marrow. "Fancy seeing you here; for a hot minute there, I thought I scared you off."

"C-Candi!?" asked Ginny, with genuine fear and surprise in her voice. "W-what are you doing here!?"

"Oh! I do this every year," stated Candi with a haughty smile. "In fact, I've been the Mondo Moors Hot Dog Eating Champ for five years running now; though I guess after this, it'll be for six years."

"Wait," asked Ginny, her fear now instead being replaced with genuine curiosity, "you're a champion eater? How is that even possible? You're so thin!"

Though really, Candi was by no means thin. In comparison to Ginny, yes, she'd be pretty thin; but to most, Candi was quite voluptuous, especially with regards to her thick thighs, muffin-top belly, and especially plump breasts.

Candi scoffed at Ginny's question, "Oh, don't let my totally rockin' bod fool you; I'm actually a mad foodie and a total glutton."

"In fact," Candi continued with a smug grin, "not only do I love stuffing myself silly, I just love watching my gut balloon up with every single bite I take. It's so hot for me, I sometimes get shivers just thinking about it."

Candi then quivered at the thought of her belly, jiggling and wobbling about, after being absolutely packed to the brim with food; Ginny, meanwhile, started to get some shivers of her own (though in her case, it was more like a cold shudder - picturing Candi going through a "pleasurable fit" like that was a sick sight for her, to say the least).

"Also, so you know," stated Candi, now with more curtness in her voice than ever before. "I've out-eaten people twice as fat as you, so don't get any ideas; you won't be any different."

Now, as mentioned before, Ginny didn't really consider herself to be the competitive sort; after Candi's bit of trash-talk however, that mentality was immediately thrown out the window - then curb-stomped, then set on fire, then thrown out the window again.

Ginny was going to destroy her; and as soon as that starter bell rang (a sacred duty to be performed by the MC of the competition - i.e. the rabbit guy from the sign-in desk), she was going to rue the day she ever messed with Ginnette Helena Gaines!

Though unfortunately, while Ginny was pontificating to herself over Candi's tacky transgressions, the starter bell had already rung; she didn't know that the competition even started, until after she saw everyone else digging into their respective plates of hot dogs.

"Aw geez, I'm already behind!" she thought; though she soon found herself catching up, as it didn't take her long to start wolfing down red-hots with the best of them.

After several minutes of expeditious eating, Ginny soon began to find her stride; though for everyone else, they already began to fall like flies.

The octogenarian ocelot tapped out first; he could only eat 7 before having to quit. After him was the muscle-bound sheep woman; she wolfed down 15 before having to stop herself. The third to fall was the otter mom-to-be; she was able to polish off 19 before she began to feel nauseous.

And finally, the young fox was a big contender, despite his rather slim build. He was able to gobble up 35 hot dogs, all on his own; but ultimately, he too had to tap out (though in his case, he actually passed out, due to a food-induced coma).

That only left Ginny and Candi, and neither showed any signs of stopping. As the minutes passed, the two contenders would easily work through dozens upon dozens of hot dogs; and after plowing through 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 all-beef franks, the sheer volume of meat they consumed would quite visibly take their toll on their bodies.

At this point, Candi's once mildly noticeable muffin-top had now become a very obviously visible pot belly (to the point that it completely covered up her entire lap); while Ginny's already sizable stomach was becoming even more sizable with every red-hot she consumed. So much so in fact, that her one-piece swimsuit began to tear apart at the center of her torso; exposing her navel, and threatening to completely expose the rest of her belly in due time.

And it'd be at this particular juncture that the scene pictured above took place, with Candi declaring that despite already devouring such superfluous amounts of sausage, she'd only just begun to eat; while Ginny continued to amp herself up for the battle ahead, by continuously shoving hot dogs into her awaiting maw by the fistful.

And all the while, the audience watched on; in a mixture of laughter, applause, disgust, and horror - and for Stu's particular case, lustful eroticism, as he apparently just discovered something within himself that he didn't know of before, and wasn't quite sure of what to do with.

Seeing his roommate, his friend, his crush, rampantly indulging in such unabated acts of gluttony, seemingly growing bigger, and wider, and fuller; that was a turn on for him? Was this some kind of weird fetish he never realized he had? He knew that Ginny being rather "plush" was a good look for her; he certainly wasn't against the idea of some "serious curves" on a woman, but the idea of seeing her grow fatter? Heavier? "Juicier"?

That... that was definitely new for him... and... and it sounded hot.

But wait, he shouldn't be thinking like this! T-that's weird! He especially shouldn't be thinking of Ginny like that; it'd be wrong, and on multiple levels too!

She's his friend, he shouldn't be objectifying her like that! Especially not now! Especially when she's fighting for her life up there, against that pink-haired monster and her seemingly endless appetite!


...though it wasn't really a battle to the death or anything, it was just a hot dog eating contest. Why was he getting so worked up over it? There wasn't even a prize involved! Why is this such a big deal for him!?

Stu didn't know, and he couldn't focus on his own thoughts for too long, as Candi and Ginny's "duel" continued to rage on. Who would win such a gastronomical display of wanton gluttony? Would it be his best-friend and crush, the seemingly unfillable Ginny; or would it be their apparent adversary, the haughtily insatiable Candi?

Well dear readers, be sure to tune in next time for the exciting conclusion (which will hopefully be coming around fairly soon)! =3

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




Go Candi! Haha