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Ultra-Kitten and her various misadventures is something that I've been wanting to get back into for a while now, especially since I remember having a lot of fun with parodying the superhero genre, back when I was first writing out her origin story.  At that point though, I wasn't exactly known for my "muscle" art  (in fact, I think most of my fans either don't know or don't really care for it that much), so I've kinda been hesitant to really do more with Ultra-Kitten and it's cast of characters.

With that said though, I still want to at least "touch-base" with it every once in a while; so with that in mind, here's something of a height chart involving a few of my Ultra-Kitten related characters.  Namely Ultra-Kitten herself, Lizy Toplin, along with her best friend and sometimes sidekick Arthur Mason, as well as her potential nemeses, Mr. Alec Delos and his assistant/bodyguard, Ms. Ambrose.

And as to why they're all in their "pajamas", well, that was mostly because I wanted to show off their respective physiques, especially with regards to Ultra-Kitten and Ms. Ambrose (though I also thought it'd be fun to have them in their PJs, because why not? =p).

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it, along with any other Ultra-Kitten content I put together in the future.  :)

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




Do it faggit.


Hey now, don't be using that kind of language around here please. I appreciate your support, but I don't appreciate being called names; especially a name that disparages members of the LGBTQ+ community.