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For a good while I've been meaning to do a bit of tweaking to Lizy's (Ultra-Kitten's) design, especially with regards to what she'd wear on a more day-to-day basis; and what you see here is the result of that brain-storming.

Now overall, I tweaked the design in that for starters, I actually made her breasts a bit smaller, so as to better show off her hips and belt (though don't worry, she still has plenty of heaving bosom to better fight crime with =p). Also, I've made it more of a point to make her legs not seem so long, so that the rest of her overall stature feels more balanced. Oh and of course, since I've last drawn her, I've learned a thing or two about drawing musculature; so now I'm able to properly convey just how "beefy" Lizy really is (though I always like to think that I can learn more when it comes to drawing technique). :)

Anyway, moving on to the outfits themselves, starting from the left we have Lizy's superhero costume, which for the most part hasn't really changed (and for those curious, you can find her costume colors in the link here ---> ( http://fav.me/d300x9w )).

Then after that we have her more casual attire, which tends to be just a t-shirt with jeans and sneakers; though being the geeky comic book fangirl that she is, her t-shirts tend to have superhero logos on them, or at the very least, pop culture sayings scrawled across the chest of the shirt.

For the third outfit, this would be a fairly close indicator of what she'd wear while training, since even the bodaciously buff have to stay in shape. =p

And finally, her fourth outfit would be...

...erm, high-heeled sandals, with a thong and heart pasties? Ooh-wah!? O_o!?

Er, okay, the "sensual stripper" outfit isn't actually something that Lizy would wear, but at least it helps to show off "dat beef" pretty well, am I right? ^_^;

*Ahem* Anywho, I hope you guys dig this and found it somewhat informative, even if it did get a bit "fanservice-y" there at the end. =p

Lizy/Ultra-Kitten and artwork copyright SatsumaLord



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