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A piece recommended to me via my Suggestion Box here on Patreon.

A sort-of semi-sequel to this ---> ( http://fav.me/d7zah3k ), Shane has now joined in the slumber party antics of her coworkers; especially with regards to Millie, who saw fit to "beautify" Shane and Jacqui's hair.

Not to worry though, Shane actually does care about Millie and Jacqui, and even views them as good friends; though let's just say that Shane isn't always one to enjoy Millie's form of "enthusiasm" on a daily basis.  =p

Oh and so everyone knows, Bonnie is technically a part of the party too; she just went off to get more bows and hair gel, so as to properly enhance all of "dat hair".  X3

Oh and one more thing!  The logo on Shane's t-shirt is a symbol for the "Marsden Martians", their city's premier basketball team; Shane is a huge fan of them you see (even though they're actually pretty terrible).  =p

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord



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