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Hey there, it's SatsumaLord here and in case you haven't read my latest journal on sites like DA, FA and Weasyl yet, I haven't really been able to work on my artwork as much as I'd like, due to a lot of real-life issues; especially with regards to my Patreon page.

And because of that fact, I'm truly and very sorry. ^_^; It was never my intention to have this page be without any new content for such a long period of time, though I hope to have all of that corrected within the next few days.

So for all of those people that have supported me, either as past or new patrons, thank you so much for your generous support. Your patronage is truly and immensely appreciated and as mentioned before, the intention is to have new images and content posted up here within the next day or so; so please be patient with me as I continue to hammer it all out.

In the meantime though, for all of my $5+ patrons, I'm going to see about posting up a new poll for you all shortly. That way, while I still work on the artwork that I feel is owed for this page, I can see about collecting votes for the next piece, so that I can see about starting on that image shortly after the Suggestion Box piece is complete (which the sketch for which is done, in case anyone was ever curious).

Anyway, thank you all for reading and as was stated before, thank you all so much for your continued patronage. It really does mean all the world to me. =3


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