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The following is a general outline regarding the Suggestion Box, for those patrons that are pledging at the "$10 or more per month" tier.


**General Information**

Whenever the Suggestion Box is opened up for the month, every $10+ patron will have the opportunity to put in their suggestions of what I should draw for that month. Please note that while each $10 patron can submit as many ideas as they want, only one of their suggested ideas will be featured into the poll, ostensibly becoming one suggestion per participant (so if you're concerned that I might not like your suggestion, feel free to submit several ideas at once, so I can just choose the one that I like the best to feature into the poll).

If for whatever reason I have an issue with any or all of your ideas, I'll contact you about the issue; at which point, you can recommend additional ideas to me, until a more acceptable suggestion can be approved.

With regards to "acceptable" suggestions, it should be stated that I'll only accept ideas involving my characters as the main focus of the piece; so please don't send me any suggestions that involve either drawing your specific OCs or otherwise drawing a popular character from fiction (like Krystal from StarFox), as those won't be accepted. Furthermore, all suggestions offered to me through the Suggestion Box are subject to my typical commission rules and information, which you can see here ---> ( link ).

**Suggestion Rules**

When making your suggestions, please try to keep your ideas down to around 1-4 characters; I don't mind drawing up to four (4) characters for a piece, but that's about the limit I can handle, due to just how time intensive multi-character pieces can be.

As mentioned before, each $10+ patron will be allowed to submit as many suggestions as they want, as long as they are given to me via a Patreon note or as just a comment on the appropriate Patreon post (as I'll be posting an Activity Message to notify people when the Suggestion Box is open for the month).

After all of the suggestions have been collected (which will typically be done in the span of a few days), I'll choose the best options to be put into a poll, where I'll then submit that poll to the $5+ patrons, so that they can vote on the idea they like best (which by the way, the $10+ patrons that submitted the ideas can vote on the poll too, though please don't vote for your own suggestion, as that's just unsportsmanlike).

Anyway though, the suggestion that receives the most votes will be the idea that's drawn for the month. If your suggestion isn't chosen as that month's image, don't worry, you're more than welcome to resubmit your ideas for the next month, and any following month thereafter, until your suggestion is eventually chosen (though you don't have to do that either if you don't want to, as you're also welcome to submit new ideas for every month, if you so choose).

With regards to the suggestions, if no one really puts in any ideas for the month, I'll submit some ideas for the Suggestion Box myself, thereby allowing people to have something to vote on for that month's image.

And when it comes to the suggestions themselves, most ideas will usually be accepted, as long as they fit within the character's backstory or personality in some way. Pin-up style suggestions, involving things like swimsuits, lingerie, cosplay, expansion/growth, etc., are typically acceptable too, as long as they're within character.

Some examples of what I typically find acceptable can be seen below.

- Gina experiencing breast expansion, due to a Dairy Surge brought on by her medical condition

- Haleigh dressing up as a popular anime character, since "avid cosplayer" is a part of her personality

- Rosalina lounging about in lingerie, so she can "be romantic" with her husband

Various "What If" ideas are also acceptable, as long as they don't involve "out-of-character" expansions of my OCs, as I'm trying to cut down on that kind of material. To better explain what I mean, here are some examples of what I won't accept.

- Gina undergoing severe weight-gain

- Chelsea undergoing extreme breast expansion

- Bonnie experiencing hyper pregnancy

So if you do recommend a "What If" idea for the Suggestion Box, please consider offering more situational-based ideas instead (like "What if Bonnie was a goth" or "What if Chelsea lived during the 1930s"), as those are the kinds of "What Ifs" I'm trying to do more of.

And lastly, so that the Suggestion Box can be as fair as possible, I'll also be implementing a "Theme Rotation" rule for every Suggestion Box that I put up. All this means is that after a winning idea is chosen for the current month, the theme of that idea will be taken out of rotation for the following month's Suggestion Box, so that other themes and fetishes have more of a chance to win the Suggestion Box in future months.

To better illustrate what I mean, let's say that the winning suggestion for the month of April happens to be a boob-related idea. That means that for May's Suggestion Box, no boob-related ideas would be accepted for that particular Suggestion Box; and after a winner has been chosen from May's Suggestion Box (let's say that it's a pregnancy-related idea), then for the month of June, pregnancy-related ideas would be removed from the running, while boob-related ideas would be accepted again for the Suggestion Box; thereby "rotating out" themes and fetishes, so that no one theme will be as likely to dominate the Suggestion Box, as compared to another.


Anyway, I believe that's about everything; so if anyone has any questions about how the Suggestion Box works (or for anything else for that matter), please be sure to leave them in the comments section below, so that I can answer your questions to the best of my abilities.

In the meantime though, thanks for reading and I hope you all have a good day.


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