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EDIT: Voting for the Season's Greetings pic is now officially closed, with Chelsea being deemed the winner. Thanks to everyone that's participated, as your input is truly appreciated. Hey there, it's SatsumaLord here; and for all of my patrons pledging $5 or more, I'd like to offer the chance to vote on who should be in this year's Holiday Greetings pic. :) To send in your vote, you can do so at the link shown here ---> ( http://strawpoll.me/3180823 ), and thanks go out to any and all that participate, as your input is appreciated (and like last time, I'll come in to act as tie-breaker, in case there's either a tie or no one really votes). =3 Oh and as always, here are the "who's-who" links, in case you need to know. Chelsea - http://fav.me/d6os1ky Cecily - http://fav.me/d7ob46x Bonnie - http://fav.me/d7o61k5 Maria - http://fav.me/d83xgmi Millie - http://fav.me/d7ugdpt


Straw Poll


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