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Hey all, it's SatsumaLord here; and as the title implies, I'm alive! :D

So, for those that don't know, my area was pretty badly affected by Hurricane Beryl; to a point where I was without power and internet for a little over a week.

So yeah, I couldn't really respond back to people or post anything until now, unfortunately. ^_^; I'm still currently looking through messages and trying to reply back to as many as I can today, so that hopefully there won't be as much to worry about later.

Also, the plan is to get right back into commissions and such, so that I can move onto other projects, and/or maybe even take on even more commissions; because unfortunately, while the damage was somewhat minimal, there's still a lot of clean up and such to do, and I'll have to try and raise money to help take care of things (because of course I do).

Anyway, if people want to help out a little bit, my Ko-fi is always available; and of course, if you're checking out my Patreon for the first time and haven't been a member before, or have been a member previously but are considering pledging to me again, I'd certainly appreciate the support. =3


Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update on what's been happening and here's hoping I'll actually have some cool stuff to share with you all soon. =3


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