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A piece recommended to me via my Suggestion Box here on Patreon.

For this piece, I got the opportunity to feature Jacqui Neilson with her mom, a "ravishingly robust" woman named Regina Neilson; and for those that are curious, yes, Jacqui got her winning smile from her mom (as well as a couple of other things too, if you catch my drift). ;)

As for Regina herself, I like to think she's something of an opposite to her daughter, in that she's more extroverted, and has more of a tendency to show-off; unlike Jacqui, who tries to keep more to herself and tends to be somewhat apprehensive over the idea of doing a selfie (especially one that shows off so much cleavage, in her opinion).

Anyway, they both truly do love each other; it's just that sometimes, things get a bit awkward between them is all - especially when Regina tries to pull Jacqui out of her shell on a regular basis and Jacqui is rather content staying in her shell, thank you very much. =p

Also, with regards to a bit of "behind the scenes"-type stuff, I tried to play a bit with blurring for the background, so that the beach and feet of the "selfie" feels a bit more out-of-focus, like you'd see with some photographs that put more of a focus on specific portions of the subjects involved.

In any case though, I hope you all enjoy the piece. =3

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord



Docter Noblex

Great angle, love to see more of this


Thanks, I'm glad that you like how it turned out; especially since this kind of angle has always been kinda tricky for me. =3


This is adorable