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"...erm, sit closer that is! Not squish you!"

"I-I would never intentionally flatten my best friend like that! I swear!"

Ginny and Stu try to get settled in for a movie night, though there looks to be some concern regarding the amount of seating space currently available on their couch.

Stu doesn't seem to mind too much though, despite Ginny's tendency to now take up a whole extra-long couch by herself (assuming she doesn't end up bending it to a new shape first, that is).

Also, I don't know about you guys, but I think he might be okay with the idea of getting squished by Ginny's astoundingly flabulous physique, at least a little bit; though he probably wouldn't say such a thing out loud - after all, he and Ginny are just friends, right? It's not like she has a secret crush on him or anything, all while he's starting to develop romantic feelings for her at the same time... right?

Anyway, just wanted to have an excuse to do more with Ginny and Stu, even though they may not be a true couple yet; which I really should try to do more story stuff with the two of them at some point in the future - if nothing else, just so I can give proper context for their growing relationship (that also happens to coincide with Ginny's own growing waistline). X3

Regardless though, enjoy! :D

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




"Well it'd be a lot safer if I sat on you, but that would be silly!" "Yeah..." "Using you as a big squishy couch? I mean you're big enough, but like that would be weird." "Yeeeeeeah... I am built like a couch, you'd have to use my tits as arm rests and stuff." "You're not a couch, heh." "No, I am, get on."

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I ship this tension