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Failure to Adapt's first episode would not be what it is without all of the Bannermen's feedback!!! Thank you so much, Maggie & I are forever grateful.

And the first episode is one that was not a preview release on Patreon, so there's an incredible new episode out for you to consume today!! It features Hugo award winning (and hilarious!) author Sarah Gailey and we're discussing the adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight into the Catherine Hardwicke film.

Here's the link to get it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or just the raw RSS feed for my fellow tech deviants.

If you're interested, I wrote a twitter thread on how to help us with the launch if you're so inclined.

BGaSPU note: You might notice our show art is by the amazing Nicole Peterson, who is the absolute best!!!




YEEEEEEEES!!!!! Been waiting for this for SO long! Finally I can subscribe to this podcast and it shows up in my feed. I loved the test episodes but this one is the best one yet. I laughed really hard about your twilight opinions. Thanks for this wonderful hour well spent. Looking forward to future episodes!


thanks so much for listening!!!!!!!! If you have a moment and could leave a rating and a short review it would mean a lot!!!!!!!!!! I'll pass this on to Maggie


This was delightful! I laughed out loud numerous times - I can’t wait for more! I’m off to leave a review now (I guess you’ll only see it in the Canadian Apple store #hodorsscribe) .