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After covering SHAME!!! we come crashing back down to Worlderos with a real drawn out Ser Barristan chapter and a Tyrion chapter that is literally mostly him filling out paperwork! Ivan & Red continue reading of the Boiled Leather chapter order combining George R.R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. This week it’s Tyrion XII (ADWD 67) & The Kingbreaker (ADWD 68). Specific page numbers in various editions can be found here and here.

Next Chapters: The Dragontamer (ADWD 69) & Jon XIII (ADWD 70)




Still waiting for Red's Studio 60 podcast. Or the Game of Thrones re-watch. 😊


Oh dear god I hate being that insufferable nerd, but I can't keep it in... Hizdar is actually innocent of the poisoning, Barristan is being set up by Skahaz!