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Based on the content of these chapters this book is not pleased we’ve come back to it! Ivan & Red continue reading of the Boiled Leather chapter order combining George R.R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. This week it’s Jon XII (ADWD 59) & The Discarded Knight (ADWD 60). Specific page numbers in various editions can be found here and here.

Next Chapters: The Spurned Suitor (ADWD 61) & The Griffin Reborn (ADWD 62)




Re: Giantsbabe, comes up in book 3 when Tormund tells Jon a story of why he’s called Giantsbane. Bit of a long callback.


My novel will come out before Railroad releases the next book and I haven't even started my novel.


Best part of this insanely long rant is that it was finally shown in the episode that came out a few days later.