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After cancelling last week’s book club recording session they tried to force a recording today and made it through one chapter before they both collapsed. This is the sickest podcast BGaS has ever recorded. Ivan and Red continue their book club reading of the Boiled Leather chapter order combining George R.R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. This week it’s Daenerys VI (ADWD 37) from ADWD. Specific page numbers in various editions can be found here and here.

Next Book Club: The Prince of Winterfell (Theon IV) (ADWD 38) & The Watcher (Areo II): ADWD 39




I already know that SickRed is terrifying. How does SickIvan sound?


So, are dragons like birds and have a cloaca? If so, what would a spell of dragon flux look like? The city would be whitewashed!! Also, thank you for your dedication in bringing us the episode while sick. It’s better than no episode, but I had to dip my phone in hand sanitizers after.