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THE BLACKFISH returns as Brienne enters the Crossroads Cinematic Universe along with Britney Spears and Bone Thugs as Ivan and Red continue their book club reading of the Boiled Leather chapter order combining George R.R. Martin’s A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. This week it’s Brienne VII & Jaime VI from AFFC. Specific page numbers in various editions can be found here and here.

Next Book Club: Cersei IX: AFFC 40 & The Princess in the Tower (Arianne II): AFFC 41 also known as “the next two chapters”

“The Blackfish” written and performed by Ser Daniel Preston



Rosie Gleeson

Well he went outside to take a piss 🎵🎶


I have been waiting literally years for you to read this chapter with the Blackfish. I am not disappointed. Hilarious