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Hello everyone. 

Do you know that meme, the one of Wolverine looking at that picture?

This is me right now.

I miss making videos that I'm happy with and I want to get back to making the type of content that I enjoy.  I like everything I've written thus far and the story that I'm telling with Maddie and Restarting My Life. I enjoy the artwork and I'm glad you do too. 

Right now between working on RML and my job, I've been looking for another model that I click with. I want to make the type of videos Akemi has been associated with. The "update" part of this update, is that I haven't forgotten about the patrons that have been here since it was just Tira and I and the 10 of us. I haven't forgotten about the people who came for the videos and have stayed since the shift to artwork. I want to have an open dialogue here and let you know that I'm looking. 

If you have an idea of someone who may be interested (or you're interested) be sure to shoot me a message. We pay (with money!) and you can shoot remotely.

I'm aware this is a bit of an odd update, but I appreciate you accepting all of my quirks.

Thank you again for being a patron.



If you need help on the digital side, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand, if need be. Got to put that film degree to use some how.

Blake McLean

I've very much enjoyed what you've made in the past. I am also enjoying RML even if I wouldn't call Maddie "my type" (other than the huge boobs enthusiasm). I would also would love to see more videos but understand that "RealLife tm" often takes away our choices. As long as you keep trying I'll be here (assuming my continued respiration.)