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Hello everyone, here's an audio update as well as a transcript.

Too Long, Didn't Listen:

1. Thank you for all of the support. You helped us create new props and maintain them for longer. You helped BEOptimist  with his first project by allowing him to hire Katie.  You helped support all the models and artists who work on the page. You've provided fun scripts. We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks.

2. I'm thinking about which direction I want to take the Patreon and content in the future. I don't want to stop making videos, I want to start making new content. There are some stories I've been wanting to tell. I'll keep everyone informed about it as we come to a decision. 

3. I have a lot of old video clips and would like to create something unique out of them. I also have a video ready to shoot but we're having some scheduling conflicts. The day job is requiring a lot, but I'll have something prepared regardless.

4. I see all of the messages and comments and will be better about responding to them. A lot of the time I receive things I'm at work so I can't get to it, but I will try harder. 

5. I'm thinking about a new YouTube channel and am still adding things to the Vemno one.

TL;DR - You guys are great, want to make new types of content, will be more open with communication, considering a new Youtube.

Whew! Thank you for being a patron. 


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