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Hello everyone.

Today marks the launch of BEOptimist’ indiegogo project, B.E. Calm.

Throughout the month, we’ve been posting ideas and playing with some concepts, but this serves as a chance to really put it all together.

If you’ve already pledged to the Patreon, anyone who’s in the Sweater Puppies or Milk Monsters tier will receive a copy of the film when it’s completed.

However, for any additional goodies he has cooked up or any stretch goals he has in mind, those will only be available through his campaign.

I advise you go watch the trailer and check out the page even if you’ve already subscribed here, so you can get an idea of what our team in Australia is working on. It looks very, very good.

Spread the word, toss him some coins and look forward to the project upon completion.

Thanks for reading.


B.E Calm

To create a high quality, high production value B.E themed short film. | Check out 'B.E Calm' on Indiegogo.



Well I've put my money where my... er... um.. mouth? is?


Supported c: