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Hello everyone.

All month I’ve had this idea in my head about a “B.E. Booth.” Something in public, like a table at a convention or a lemonade stand, where girls can come and “try on” different cup sizes.

I’m not sure of the logistics of that kind of thing, all of the waivers I’d need and props I need to build, but I feel like typing it out will get the wheels turning here.

If you have any ideas related to something like this, please feel free to comment.

Thank you.



this sounds like an awesome idea would they be inflatables or something a bit more weighty also make sure to go up to at less beach ball sized so girls can know what it's like to have truly HUGE boobs

Danny Harrison

Like it!... a kind of "How big do you want to be?" stand... the girls who choose the biggest sizes are clearly future model material! :-)