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I wonder what kind of mobile games that secondary phone has for old folks. Minesweeper with only 4 tiles?




Emotional support alligators.


At first I was rather surprised at Ellie's willingness to be Caleb's side girl. But upon consideration I suppose they haven't done anything that could technically be counted as cheating. Still, Caleb's sketchy as all get out. One might consider Caleb's sneakiness to be justified given Vu's paranoia, but it's hard not to see Vu's paranoia as justified considering Caleb ran off to America to see another woman. Really, if Vu is so insecure in the relationship and trusts Caleb so little that she needs to search his phone history she probably needs to reconsider whether Caleb's worth being with.


As someone who had one of those old phones.... snake. They had snake.

Andrew Diseker

Is that a giant Hamtaro or a stuffed toy?


looking forward to next post!