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As much as it hurts to look at the novice art I did 12 years I wouldn't haven't been able to progress as much as I have without the support of everyone here. Through all my failings, tardiness, and inconsistences so many of you have stuck around to read a bunch of silly comics about a bunch of silly girls made by an absurdly silly artist who doesn't deserve any of you. 

I know I probably apologize on the comic to the point of obnoxiousness anytime my personal issues delay me, but I literally beat myself up daily for 'not doing more.' Not posting more. Not interacting more. Not having new content pouring out every day. Only reason is you all deserve the best.  

So thank you! 

Thank you for paying for my health insurance.

Thank you for the roof over my head.

Thank you for the food in my kids mouths. 

Thank you for keeping my head above water. 

Thank you for all the word of mouth! For 12 years!  

Thank you for being here, giving me the criticism I need to hear, and keeping my ego in check. 





We love you, get well soon!

Ginny Higerd

I will always support you.


It’s been a pleasure to not only support you, but to see your art grow through those years.


Better than watching "The Bold and the Beautiful."


"Like sands through and hourglass, such are the days of our lives."