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Pumpkin is quite adept at breaking Quinn's personal space barrier. 




Pumpkin does have a point, even if she's going about it wrong. Obviously she should be barterig with Ian for Quinn's time, like a divorced couple over kids. "I get her Wednesday til 10 pm and every other weekend!"


Hah. Quinn's not having none of Pumpkin's nonsense.

John Lindgren

I"ll take all her cats. Especially if they're like mr mcfatfat.


Quinn's push-back on Pumpkin's insistence is far less vigorous or emphatic than I imagined it would be. Does Pumpkin, despite all the collective wisdom of this forum to the contrary, actually have Quinn pegged here, or is Quinn really really bad at this whole "confrontation" thing with people she likes? (Given the way she had her pre-Ellie roommate ousted, it could very well be the latter.) In any case, I want to see how this "argument" concludes . . . or fails to.

Michael Darnell

HAHA, this is awesome! Definite "SS Hall o' Fame" material! XD


Wow....pumpkin seems to have some serious abandonment issues....I mean, makes a bit of sense being the last of so many children but, damn.


Abandonment issues, shameless guilt trip, or both?


Super happy fun times with big arse frowny face.


No one has commented on stupid, sexy Quinn and her stupid, sexy underwear?


Quinn sentences pumpkin to Something Positive next strip. Choochoo bear is introduced to the best source of panties by Mcfatfat. All works out in the end except for Randy.


Quinn is chill.


It seems like Pumpkin may be projecting a fear of abandonment upon Quinn. Perhaps one that she feels has already played out with her sisters. At least Quinn doesn't seem to be falling for it.


What? You lost me. When Quinn was first introduced, I saw comment after comment about how short tempered and mean she was in regards to Ellie eating her food, wearing her clothes, being a mooch, etc. She responds to Pumpkin now in a soft tone and she's "really bad at confrontation?" Sheesh... Quinn can't win.


Quinn is being a lot nicer than I expected her to be. Perhaps she really does give a damn about Pumpkin and her feelings, and is trying to go easy on her.


Letting someone get--nearly literally--in your face does not strike me as having none of her nonsense.


PUMPKIN YOU STOP IT NOW. STOP IT. WHAT ARE YOU 15?!?! oh wait... Also that last line about not leaving all her cats with Quinn, hahaha the ultimate punishment. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL THESE CATS?! sorry for all the caps. I'm in a good loud mood tonight.


Wow! Pumpkin skipped Montage and went straight to Melodrama, and she is hitting it hard. Papa Buckingham seems to have more to worry about than Danny's to-bit pusher.


Love Ian's "derp" face in Pumpkin's imaginings.


I'm not sure it's abandonment issues, exactly. But she's got 6 sisters, most (or at least some) of whom have dated, and she's probably seen a good selection of the bad outcomes. In other words, she's speaking from experience. The problem is that those experiences are warped by the usual Buckingham weirdness. Lets also keep in mind that she's about 15 (I think) in this part of the story, while Quinn is at least 18. It might not seem like a big difference, but there can be a huge gap in maturity between Sophmore in highschool and Freshmen in college.

Fierce Gaze

I remember the "Pointless Respect" sound effect from the theater. Ian doesn't seem to hate Pumpkin. What if Pumpkin got to know Ian and liked him? They could hang out all together, *gasp*, a group of friends? Unthinkable. Insist on "him or me" Pumpkin, that always works out.


All this time I've been working under the assumption that Pumpkin is romantically interested in Quinn, and now I see it for what I think it really is... Pumpkin has been usijg Quinn as a replacement big sister fir all the ones she's "lost."


Personal space, Pumps! You're not leaving any.


Though I can't help but notice he's playing with the wrong set of round thingies.


Really enjoyed the drawings of panel two. Made me laugh out loud.