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  • Septrender 2022 style one a day slow transformation posts coming on a separate tier
  • Adding another comics tier, $5
  • Changing tiers slightly but you don't need to pay more and don't need to change your current tier if you don't want to this is only adding more content not charging more for the same.

Announcement 1

I'm pretty excited to announce an upcoming project that I'm going to be working on for the foreseeable future! SLOWTG

Remember when I did that stuff for Septrender with the post-a-day kind of format? It was called Curves Inc Challenge in that instance. This is going to be the same but just more and all the time.

The idea is that each day for a month a new image will be posted onto a special SlowTG feed on the Patreon. The focus is on slow transformations some taking place over multiple panels with a gap of time in between and sometimes the transformation will take place over multiple months.

Here is an example from the first in the series: "Unholy Matrimony". The image will generally be split with a picture from the story on the left and then the storytelling over time from a particular character's, or characters' perspective.

The focus is on storytelling, design, and of course... Slow Transformation. 

This is a big undertaking, and a series of 30 images for a month is as much work as producing a comic in that time, so I've had to make the decision that this is going to be a separately paid tier, charged at $8 a month. On that $8 tier the sole content will be SlowTG. There will be price breaks for anyone who wants to say sub to the $10 comics and also get access to SlowTG etc so don't worry about that!

The first set is going to be uploaded to the $3 level in August so everyone can see how it's going to work and everyone gets a chance to read. This is the set that will be my Septrender post for 2023, so I'm not going to charge extra for it. Then, starting in September, we'll be going live with the $8 tier and "Alien Species": a sexy space horror film inspired by nothing and stop asking questions.

I can't wait to see what you all think!

Announcement 2

In an effort to clear through all the comics I've started but then not finished, I'm adding another comics tier to the Patreon. Remember, everything eventually comes to TGComics for free eventually, so this isn't the only way you'll access these comics.

I'm pricing this tier at $5 a month and we'll be starting with Poppy and the Rockets chapters 3-6 on there.

These are extra comics and won't be available in the $10 tier. But $10 tier will still have access to the $3 stuff as normal.

Announcement 3

I'm going to be restructuring the Patreon tiers and the days to make it a bit simpler so people don't get confused. So posts are going to be going in tier order. 

  • Monday $3 TGC Comic (Currently Hidden Empire IV)
  • Tuesday $3 Fan Comic (Currently Spider-Man #3)
  • Thursday $10 Comic 1 (Currently Shooting Star #4)
  • Friday $10 Comic 2 (Currently Don't Get Cocky)
  • Sunday $5 Comic (Poppy and the Rockets #3)
  • Every day SlowTG

I'm also going to be sorting it so you can mix and match what you'd like. So there will be tiers as follows:

Monday, Tuesday ($3)

Sunday ($5)

Monday, Tuesday, Sunday ($8)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ($10)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday ($14) $1 Discount

SlowTG ($8)

Monday, Tuesday, SlowTG ($10) $1 Discount

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, SlowTG ($16) $2 Discount

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday, SlowTG ($20) $3 Discount

I'm not doing every permutation but I can spin up a new tier if someone really wants to do $5 and SlowTG something like that. It would be nice if Patreon had the option for you to pick and choose your content but it needs to be like this.

This will be going live in August too, so no changes for June or July.



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