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Hi Everyone :)

This is something I've been waiting to announce for a little while. I've spoken about it a little on the discord but this is the first time I'm going to announce this project publicly.

As I'm sure you're aware, electricity prices have been rising pretty drastically in my part of the world (UK), and consequently it's costing me quite a lot more than it used to to create the comics we all enjoy.

So! I'm putting together a collaborative project to help pay some bills and deliver you some more TG Hulk outside of the Hulk: Bustier story (hence the loose canon title).

I'm aiming to raise about $2,500 to pay the power bills for rendering the comics. I've created a project over at itch.io where you can select the project and contribute toward the creation of the comic.

The comic is called "TG Hulk: Loose Canon" and the idea is we can do different sexy stories without having to worry about canon and who's pregnant and when etc. This issue takes place on Battleworld in the fight pits of the Overseer. Our female Hulk is facing down Juggernaut in a fight to submission. Only, at the last moment, the Overseer changes what counts as a submission.

The script is written and it's 25 pages long. It's very smutty and involves 2 famous characters from the comics getting together. Basically what I'm going to do is for each $100 I raise I'll produce and release the pages until the project is completed. And if it's a success we can do another one sometime in the future :)

The essential idea is rather than me waiting for a commission to come along, we'd all be pooling our resources to commission a TG Hulk comic that everyone can enjoy.

So, if you head over to itch you can select any amount of money to contribute. Right now all you get is the alt cover page, but anyone who contributes any amount will have access to the comic a week before it's published anywhere else. You just need to communicate in some way with me that it's you who purchased and how much you contributed.

You can also send me your contribution directly to paypal as well we can work that out if you want to or alternate means too.

In terms of bonuses, anyone who contributes over $75 will get a personalized TG Hulk pinup poster. So that's a unique render and you can specify how she's dressed etc or whatever. Anyone who contributes over $150 will get a 3 panel comic page with TG Hulk and another character, could be Ross or Betty or Red Hulk or whatever, we can work that out.

And if we hit past $2,500, then I'll be doing a bonus mini comic called "Juggernaut Planet" which I'll give more info about if we hit it.

I hope this is something you can get behind and I hope this isn't a dismal failure. That would be crap.

Thanks for reading and thanks for being there for me :D

Please comment here any questions or dm me or hit me up on discord if there's anything you want to ask!

Your pal,





She-Hulk is probably my favorite series you post so very excited to see this project, going to be contributing on payday


Will always contribute for she hulk.

Mr. J

Can't go wrong with more Banner She-Hulk, but is Banner She-Hulk losing her muscles?


Any word on the she hulk