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Hello everyone.

I've been having a lot of fun making comics for you guys as a real part time job over the last year. I consider 2020 the year I started taking this whole comics thing seriously, and I think a few of my subs from way back when will probably agree that my output has been significantly better over the last few months.

With that in mind, I want to thank everyone who posts comments and sends me messages, that's always appreciated and I do take the feedback on board.


I want to make a few announcements.

Firstly, as many of you know, I have taken over production of the POWERS comic series, which used to be written and rendered by TGTrinity, who is probably the best TG comic artist these days. It's an immense opportunity and responsibility. I considered producing the volumes as an extra comic separate to the patreon, I considered charging for it, but I've come to the determination that I will be posting POWERS pages each week, from the beginning of March. 

That's in addition to current comic production. And it's going to be at the $1 level, so all my subs can enjoy it. So just as much pages as I normally produce, with an extra comic on top.

Well, actually... From the beginning of March, my $10 patrons will be getting extra comics pages from my new Premium comic publication. These are comics that will eventually be submitted for Premium on TGC. And they're going to be available for no extra cost to my $10 patrons.

I'm going to be posting comic pages daily, with the order now going:

Monday - POWERS 

Tuesday - $5 Post 1

Wednesday - $10 Post

Thursday - $1 Fan Art Post

Friday - $5 Post 2

Saturday - $10 Premium Post

Sunday - $1 Post as usual

TL;DR Extra comics pages for everyone. Thanks Tom


Bob Fink

This is such awesome news and I can't wait to see what you have planed with the Powers series.


Let's say it starts hot... Then the subs get to vote in which way it gets hotter...


Moreover, Tom is one very cool dude!


Awesome news! :)