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After the demonstration of my abilities, Rolly volunteers to entertain the crowd with an impromptu show. An impressive display, I’m sure, but I only catch glimpses. My attention is absorbed by the ladies of the Temple.

Shake mostly, who also ignores the show in favor of watching me. She sits to my left, on one end of the couch we’ve monopolized, a large arm thrown over the back of the furniture as she lounges into the plush cushions.

Cloud sits on my other side, leaning into me and adding her own opinions to our conversation when she feels like it. Mostly, my friend leans into me. I can’t tell if it’s a simple demand for skinship or she’s trying to push me into her compatriot, the two of them working together to get closer to me like wolves cooperating to bring down prey too difficult for them to handle alone.

Mouse-tail, who has yet to introduce herself, leans against the arm of couch, watching Rolly’s show, her tail casually wrapped around Shake’s neck. The jumpy woman constantly makes contact with the larger woman, just like a small animal seeking shelter from a bigger, stronger member of the pack.

The way Shake doesn’t react to the thin tail caressing her or the small touches on her shoulders and the side of her face tells me that it’s common place but there’s nothing suggestive about them. At least not overtly. Makes me wonder what the big woman’s role as a leader entails. Affection like they display is rarely associated with a figure of authority.

Ruby, the last of the ladies from the Temple, is seated next to Cloud. Or rather, she’s half-seated, doing her best impersonation of an eager puppy as she tries to climb onto Alana’s lap. I think I was her original target, but Cloud got in her way. Afterwards, fox ears went back to pestering Alana, something she’s been doing for a while.

From what I’ve picked up from their conversation, she likes Alana’s smell. At first, I thought she was smelling me, which she is, but she also likes Alana’s actual scent. Some nonsense about earth and vanilla. Completely ridiculous. Underneath me, fragrant soap, and the other scents clinging to her, she smells of sunshine, like sheets dried in the summer sun, mixed with a musky scent all animals, including people, have, everyone having their own distinct variation that makes them identifiable. Whatever nose Ruby’s using is defective. She should have a word with her melder.

I enjoy our conversation, both for what it is and what it covers. In-between discussing building a body from creatures out of this world, the five of us, six when Alana deigns to do more than push aside Ruby when she gets a little too handsy, hold a secret conversation. One without words but spoken with certain looks, lingering touches, and proximity. I’m pretty sure that eventually, someone’s going to come right out and say what we’re all hinting at, the ladies of the Temple aren’t exactly shy and I threw out my shame months ago, but for now, we’re enjoying the tension brought on by expectation.

Five women, huh. That’s an orgy, anyway you look at it. A fantasy most people have, I’m sure. I won’t believe anyone that says otherwise. Several attractive women, or men for those with that kind of taste, in one bed. A feast for the eyes and ears. A riot of sensations.

It’s amazing enough what a single pair of hands can do. I can’t imagine what five pairs can do working together. The room filled with a whole chorus of moans, lusty voices singing together like a theater choir. The smell of sex so thick I can taste it in-between tasting them. Ugh. The fluttering in my stomach imagining it is almost painful.

I don’t know why the thought excites me so much. Truthfully, as much as I admire women, I am perfectly content with my wives, one pending. If Kierra or Alana told me that they never wanted me to so much as breathe on another woman, I’d be satisfied. I fully believe I’m capable of loving more than one person romantically but even if I fell for another woman, I wouldn’t pursue another relationship if it ruined what I have now.

However, I’m lucky enough to be married to ladies as perverted as I am, even if Alana is still in a bit of denial. They don’t mind so I indulge. I indulge in carnal pleasures but not to get off. My sex life isn’t lacking at home in any way. It’s about how it makes me feel.

Being desired is
well. And there is no desire quite like being lusted after. Nothing as
primal. If a woman invited me to dinner to discuss the finer points of a summoning circle, I’d be flattered, sure, but someone like Cloud staring at me with a look that makes it easy to imagine her ripping my pants off is something else. Just like the Herbanacle, it warms me up with a pleasant heat that I want to soak in like it’s a warm bath, letting it seep deep into my bones. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of it.

I’m eager to get to the main event but I won’t rush anything. It’s interesting, watching the way Shake guides the others, holding them at bay until she’s good and ready to make her move. Something about that easy confidence that says she knows exactly where the night is going and is fine taking her time getting there is making me melt a little on the inside.

She’s in the middle of discussing some of her duties within the Sanctuary, when something grabs my attention. Yulia squeezes into the opposite end of the couch and her sister, glass in hand. Judging from the flush in her cheeks, it isn’t her first drink, but it might need to be her last. She must be drunk to be so forward with Alana, who immediately frowns.

“You look comfortable,” Yulia says teasingly, smiling at Ruby who is halfway sprawled over Alana’s chest. To my amusement, Ruby looks at her curiously for a moment before turning away, pushing against Alana’s hand as she tries to nuzzle my future wife’s modest chest. “I didn’t take you for such a social animal.”

Alana groans. “Was that supposed to be a joke? If it was, it’s terrible.”

“Oh, it was a little funny.”

“Maybe a little offensive. Not funny.” Ruby opens her mouth, likely to say she’s not offended, nothing delights a member of the Temple more than being compared to their brethren, but Alana shushes her by covering her mouth with a hand.

“I was wondering if you’d like to take a walk in the garden with me.”

“I’m watching the show.”

“You’re not.”

“Because you keep talking.”

The northern rose sighs and takes a long gulp of her drink. With a soft coo, Bell appears at her feet when Yulia empties her glass and hands her another drink. Yulia takes it with a soft word of thanks, taking a smaller sip as the imp scampers off. “You can be a titan of a bitch sometimes, Ally.”

The insult brings me up short, ruining my attempts to listen in on their conversation discretely as I turn all the way around, jaw dropped. It’s not just that she insulted Alana. It’s the way she did it.

Till now, she’s always, hm, I don’t know the right word for it. Simpered? Begged? I can’t imagine the Yulia desperate to reconnect with her sister speaking to Alana with a harsh tone. And her tone is definitely harsh, thick with annoyance and frustration.

Alana seems just as surprised, looking at her sister with wide eyes and parted lips. Of course, the surprise only lasts for a moment. As the insulted party, offense quickly overcomes every other emotion and she glares at her sister. “
what are you doing?”

“What you want. You always think I’m speaking in riddles, trying to pull people’s strings. Hiding behind a smile, right?”

“Are you saying you don’t?”

“I would say that I am considerate enough to choose my words carefully and that there is nothing wrong with expressing yourself in a way that doesn’t hurt people’s feelings or ruins your reputation. You are the only person I’ve ever met who can’t appreciate that. So, here we are.”

Yulia raises a hand in a mocking gesture of surrender. “I bow to your wishes, dear sister, and will spar with you, throwing words like knives. Hopefully, now, we can make some progress.”



You gotta know when to hold 'em, and know when to scold 'em.


For a moment I was scared that Yulia was going to try and seduce Lou. Thank fuck I misread that.


You also gotta know when to fold ‘em. Just because someone is family doesn’t mean you are entitled to a relationship with them. Alana has every right to just be done with Yulia and any trouble that comes from Yulia not respecting that is Yulia’s fault.