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The next to return is Earl.

While Alana and Talia conspire in the bedroom to ready my wife-t0-be for the night’s festivities, my steward arrives with a wagon full of purchases. Most of it is food, enough to feed a small army from the look of it. There are also several empty wooden crates, likely for packing purposes, and more decorations.

“I think you will like these, my lady.” He comes to me to show off his acquisitions, starting with a medium-sized box filled with rolled up paper. He unfurls one, revealing a black and white drawing of a fearsome beast that resembles a lion except for its three tails and a horn.

“There is a shop run by a master water caster that produces these wonderful drawings. Magic allows them to mass produce them, so they are quite cheap for their quality. They go well with the skulls.”

“Are they all the same.”

“Not at all.” He pulls out three more of the rolls to show that each drawing is different. The mood also changes, ranging from terrifying to majestic depending on the beast’s pose. The most impressive thing is that the quality of the drawings remains consistent, something that isn’t guaranteed with even the best artist wielding a brush.

“A good find. Anything else?”

“Yes. I thought we could make use of the color lanterns from Rolly’s summoning. I grabbed more of those along with another item.” Out of another box, he pulls out a clear orb from within a bed of thick cloth. Then he pulls out a cone-shaped wire construct.

“This,” he says as he raises the wire thing, “is placed on a torch, the narrow end pushed down until its snug. The orb is placed on top after the fire is lit. It produces a similar effect to the lanterns but stronger. I thought we could set them up throughout the garden, to facilitate the tours.”

“You’re outdoing yourself,” I praise. “Any other goodies?”

The question is sarcastic. I sent the boy out for food and didn’t expect any of this. Despite that, his answer to my question is another box. Inside is purple fabric. Before I can ask what they’re meant for, Earl pulls out a square of the same fabric. Stitched into one corner is a small golden book, a simplified version of the Tome family crest.

“I thought we could provide the guests with a small favor. A token so that all will remember the first party hosted by my ladies.”

I’m a little touched by his thoughtfulness. “It’s a great idea but isn’t it too short notice?”

“I can produce a hundred in an hour. Teacher and Lady Bell would be much faster, even while handling other tasks.”

I apologize for underestimating you. “Anything else you want to dazzle me with?”

I almost tell him to stop when he produces another box, but it’s a small one. Also has a strange shape that is vaguely recognizable. He flicks open the latches keeping it closed and opens the top. Inside is a stringed instrument made of striking, scarlet-tinted wood. “I thought Mistress Talia might appreciate accompaniment.”

“Of course you know how to play an instrument.”

“Yes, all the servants play. For Anna and I, it is a part of our lessons. Gajin says the plants enjoy the heavy beat of a drum. Nomad plays a strange instrument that he blows into but Teacher has refused to allow him to play with us. Apparently, his music is too dangerous. This is something called a violin, custom-ordered by Teacher. I am looking forward to joining her in a performance.”

“So am I. It all looks amazing, Earl.”

He bows at the compliment. “Do not worry, my lady. We will ensure you and your guests enjoy yourselves.”


The next to return is Bell. The imp was tasked with extending an invitation to Cloud. She’s the one I’m most concerned about not attending, as she takes her duties to the manabeasts she cares for, her brethren, very seriously. If she is involved in any ritual monster wrangling, I don’t see her disregarding said duties to join in idle revelries.

Thankfully, Bell brings back good news. Cloud is excited to attend and more than happy to bring a few friends.

I send the succubus to help Earl with his many tasks. Before they finish, Kierra returns with interesting cargo. Two large barrels sit on her shoulders and trailing behind her is Howie carrying a crate of clinking bottles. Bringing up the rear is his barmaid, Sara.

Both look different than usual. The brewer has traded his usual scruffy shirt and apron for a much nicer shirt and pants. His black hair that he usually ties to keep out of his face looks less greasy that usual and is braided, the end reaching just past his shoulders.

I wouldn’t go as far as to call him handsome, the poor man’s almost obscenely large and bulbous nose ruins any chance of that, but his appearance is
more pleasant. Certainly clean and put together, which is more than can be said for many.

His barmaid has also polished her appearance, exchanging her usual brown dress and serving apron for a nice blouse and a red skirt. I don’t often see make-up on women, given Alana could care less, Talia’s fair skin doesn’t need it, and Kierra can banish blemishes with a thought. The small amount of blush on her cheeks and her painted lips are a nostalgic beauty. Reminds me of my father’s late-night visitors that I used to spy on as a child.

“Look who managed to wrangle an invitation,” I say as I approach the group.

“Bribed my way in.” He jostles his crate, the bottles inside tinkling merrily. In the usual, uncanny manner of succubi, Bell appears at his feet and holds up her little arms. “Coo!”

He gives me a look but at my nod, he carefully lowers the crate into her little arms. Once she has it, she scampers off toward the kitchen, Kierra following behind her.

“What’d you bring me?”

“Some new things I’ve been working on. Greenie has been on me to do something with fruits—”

I let out a theatrical gasp. “What? You’re giving up your work with mushrooms?”

He scowls. “Who said anything about giving up on them? Shrooms are the best.” He raises a hand to scratch his head but stops at the last moment, flexing his fingers instead. Mindful of his neat appearance, eh? I don’t know why I find that so funny but I put a lot of effort into keeping the humor off my face.

“Fungi are far superior to mere fruits but the sweet stuff is better for certain things. Wine, especially. Can’t get a decent shroom wine no matter what I do.” He shakes his head. “I only stopped working with them because it reminds me of the clans. Let me tell you, the provinces love their wine.”

“Kierra reignited your interest?”

He shrugs. “Has a garden full of high-quality ingredients just sitting around. It’d be a crime not to use them. And if I use them, the elf wants to be paid in more wine.”

“Well, good on you. If you start selling wine instead of the alchemical fire you call liquor, you might turn enough profit to get out of that hovel you call a bar.”

“Oi! My bar’s perfectly fine, leave it alone.”

“Sure, sure. How about you, Sara? How have you been.” The last time I saw her was the night of Howie’s kidnapping and she was a nervous, crying mess.

She jumps, as if she didn’t expect to be addressed. “Good,” she says after a moment. “Thank you, ah, milady. For helping Howie. And for welcoming us into your home.”

I raise a brow as she ducks her head in a poor attempt at formality. What a change from the gruff young woman who dismissed me after being sure I wasn’t a threat the first time we met. Is this gratitude? Or fear?

“No worries, I’m glad to have you. We can all use a break, I think.”

Howie winces. “Bout that. Sorry, Lou. You’re in this mess because of me.”

“Please. This was going to happen sooner or later. My succubi are illegal now and I haven’t exactly taken care not to upset people. It was only a matter of time before I clashed with the kingdom. Granted, I expected the eventual confrontation to be less, eh, confrontational. But what’s done is done and problems for tomorrow.”

“If I can help

“I’ll keep you in mind.” I clap my hands. “Now, enough of that look. No one’s allowed to feel bad tonight. Let’s go drown that guilt and dread in your new creations. As the organizer, I should make sure the refreshments are satisfactory before serving them to any guests, hehe.”


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