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Three days have passed since Howie’s rescue. A very quiet three days, given the damage my household wrought in Quest. No one else has come to question me after Mr. Four Affinities’ poor attempt at an interrogation.

As for the future hero, the cut on his brow was healed, his system was cleansed of my madness-inducing pheromones, and he was sent on his way after mumbling apologies he didn’t mean, along with vague recollections of what happened.

I’ve been consumed with building my next circle. It is far more involved than the circle for the shuba. Not only because I have to build it from scratch but also because the creature I hope to contract is known for its species’ individuality. If I want an elemental that will blend well with my household, I have to be incredibly precise with my circle.

Alana has also been busy. After experiencing the mental-shattering effects of my body’s excretions at full power, she has been training non-stop.

Morning and night, she is sparing with Kierra. She’s even forsaken seeing the teacher sent by her father, Sir Pucky or whatever his name is. She is determined to become stronger, as fast as possible.

Any hesitance she’s had about cheating her way to power is gone. She’s even involved the succubi, though they are only allowed to heal and revitalize her. I don’t need to worry about them putting any tricks in her body to be discovered at the most inopportune times.

She also refuses to speak with me. I’d be worried if I couldn’t smell that she isn’t upset. Far from it. Simply being in the same room as me is enough to have her wet and ready, so she is avoiding me like I have a plague.

As much as she can. Geneva’s cooking is enough to compel her to share a table with me and I get to enjoy a half hour of her fighting to keep her hands out of her pants while enjoying the succubus’ cooking.

“Mm. This is certainly more elaborate than the last circle.”

I glance up from my place on the floor to find Kierra leaning in the doorway of the room. Carefully, I navigate my way out of the circle, hyper conscious of smearing any lines. Once free, I hurry to Kierra, falling into her open arms. “Alana let you go?”

“Despite her new rabid desire for growth, she still needs rest.” She chuckles. “Be careful, dedia. She is like the cubs of fierce beasts. Soft and cute but their ferocious appetites can kill a mother who doesn’t have enough to eat and leave destitute all but the riches of keepers.”

Yeah, might have created a bit of a monster. The looks she gives me sometimes

A shiver, half apprehension, half strange excitement, goes down my spine.

“Tell me about this circle. It is quite

I grin, turning in her arms so I can better point out the details. My second circle is quite full. Compared to the portrait of the shuba circle, this one is more like an epic series of illustrations.

They tell a story. My story, the most exciting parts on one side, starting from my rebirth and ending with our rampage in Quest. On the other side, the half meant to represent the kind of elemental I hope to contract, are pictures of my eventual adventures. The Bleak Peaks. The world. Other realms.

Drawn throughout are vague impressions of the creature I hope to summon. Two arms. Two legs. A head and several tails fanned out like the feathers of colorful birds. Four wings extending from its back.

“What is this one called?” Kierra asks putting her chin on top of my head.

“They have many names but the most common one is lueorale. Another ancient tongue. Translations differ but it vaguely means something like dancing light.”

“A dancer?”

“Don’t underestimate them because of their name.”

“Oh, I do not. If you remember, my sister is a dancer. Though she prefers twirling through the forest with the birds and butterflies, she is my mother’s daughter. Dancers are not to be underestimated.”

well, the reason I’m interested in lueorales is because, despite having a coefficient ranging between 200-250, they are masters of the light affinity. The summoner whose record I read contracted one at the behest of an ancient king to who loved theater. A single one was able to put on a convincing play, creating vivid illusions and supporting them with accurate sounds using the wind affinity.

“Even more amazing, they are highly creative. Each night, for a thousand nights, the lueorale wove a new story to amuse the king. The king invited nobles and heroes from other countries to show off his amazing jester. The lueorale’s skill was so impressive, it sparked a war for the creature, which eventually led to its death.’’

“That is impressive
if it is true.”

I shake my head and click my tongue. “I don’t doubt a record without good reason.” Ugh. Imagine if I had to question every record I ever read. No summoner can investigate every realm. We have to rely on each generation to push our knowledge a little further.

That’s why record keeping is so sacred. A summoner who falsifies their record
I don’t have the words for that. Probably because I’ve never encountered it. I suppose it’s possible but
it simply isn’t done.

“It’s very impressive. However, the lueorale themselves aren’t very popular now because, without question, they refuse to fight. Even in defense of their own lives.”

They will run, they will hide, and they are incredible at both with their affinities, but they will never, under any conditions, harm a thinking or feeling creature.

There are enough predators in my house. Controlling Geneva’s machinations is more than enough for a lifetime. Having a benign creature’s whose intentions I can trust, as far as I can trust a stranger, will be nice.

“I do not know if being taught by a flower will be effective.”

“Hey, just because they don’t fight doesn’t mean they don’t know how to fight. The summoner in the record I’m working from talks about some of the plays the lueorale produced and they involved epic scenes of heroes slaying powerful monsters, many using light magic.”

“I see. You are prioritizing knowledge and temperament over power.”

“You get it.” I could have gone for a more powerful elemental but that would mean capping my own coefficient further. As convenient as summoning powerful elementals is, I’m my best asset.

If I learn how to use my seven affinities, I will outclass any elemental I can think of. Therefore, it’s important that I don’t weigh myself done with too many contracts.

“Another good thing about them is that they are beauty fanatics. Anythingbeautiful. Women, jewelry, nature, art, anything. They also appreciate luxury items like smooth silk and fine wines. They are the ultimate connoisseurs of culture. They travel through the realms to experience it.”

I grin. “Which means they will bring knowledge of new things to enjoy. The realm with the most beautiful women. The best wines. The finest foods.”

My wife chuckles and nuzzles the top of my head. “I was wondering if my conqueror had been made too soft by her star. Good. Never forget your desires, Lou. Pursuing them will make you strong.”

Hmph. She doesn’t have to remind me. “I’m almost done with the drawing. With my new strength and speed, it won’t take me long to carve.” Even if I’m carving into smooth white stone provided by Bell. I’ve had plenty of practice with the shuba circle to adapt to my strength.

“It’ll take a day at most to arrange the embellishments. I’ll ask you to arrange things with Talia.”

“As you want beautiful things to attract this creature.” Kierra cocks her head. “Alana is stirring.”


“She needs sleep but not much. What else would you expect from the pets?” Kierra releases me. “I best return before she comes searching for me. It will take several minutes to focus her mind if she catches a whiff of you.”

I grin. “How long, do you think?”

“Mm. If you allow me or the pet to be present, tonight.”

I shake my finger. “Alone.”

“If you want to allow for a little carelessness, then perhaps
two months.”

Saints give me the patience. “And if I want to allow for more?”

Kierra chuckles. “Can you endure for that long?”

I scowl. “No way.”

“I thought not.”

I close my eyes as I think. “Fine. Compromise. The first time, short and sweet. Afterwards, we’ll see how she feels about company.” I’ll lose my mind otherwise.

My wife licks her lips. “I look forward to it.”


Rob Engranajes

Thanks for the chapters! In other novels, characters want to become stronger for revenge or ambition, here horniness is the greatest motivator xD