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“…what do you mean someone who can appreciate a pervert?”

I pant, delaying my answer as I watch Kierra tug my pants down to my ankles. I look away as she kisses up my leg, preparing myself for when she reaches her goal as I turn to Alana. “Someone like you.”

“What?! What does that mean?”

“You, mm, appreciate me, don’t you? You like watching.”


“I can see you squirming.” She freezes, her thighs that were rubbing together stopping. I snicker but am cut off by a moan as Kierra nips a particularly sensitive part of my thigh, close enough to her eventual destination I can feel her breath on my lower lips. “That is the, hah, type of being I want. Someone who appreciates sexuality and will be interested by my relationships.”

“So, you don’t want to sleep with them?”

My eyes flutter as Kierra’s lips finally make it to the source of my heat. Short, hot breaths escape my parted lips as I struggle to form words but it’s no use. After her tongue pushes past my folds, the most I can get out is gibbering nonsense.

My hands move to her hair, one twisting in her silky locks while the other strokes one of her long ears. I buck against her eager mouth as she hums in approval. Saints, she’s so good at this. I struggle to hold out, knowing Alana is watching, but it’s no use. The pleasure mounts rapidly as Kierra senses weakness and intensifies her efforts.

Then there’s a heavy knocking on the front door.

I groan as Kierra pauses, taken by surprise. Alana, without our strong hearing, is unaware of the pending interruption and is still watching us with hot eyes, a hand hovering over her crotch. She is still like that when Earl appears in the doorway and lets out an adorable squeak when he speaks.

“My lady, a Robert Quintana requests to see you.”


“Are you seriously pretending you don’t know who that is?” In an effort to combat her embarrassment, her blushing face twists into a scowl. “This is ridiculous.”

Your disbelief isn’t helping me remember.

She sighs deeply. “Mr. Talented.”

Oh! What is a hero doing on my doorstep? Anyway, I don’t care if it was a beautiful woman wrapped in silk and stuffed in a box as a present, this is the worst time for an interruption. “Tell him—”

“Show him in.”

I look down at my grinning wife. Oh, that’s her bloodthirsty smile, the one that tells me to steel my heart as she is about to do something trying. As Earl leaves the room, following her words after not receiving a contradictory order from me, Kierra pulls my chair forward, concealing herself under the table.

Alana pauses in straightening her appearance, meeting my slightly panicked gaze with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, realizing what my wife is planning. I shiver as I feel her tongue tease my lower lips but clench my jaw, refusing to react. Alana purses her lips, no doubt also trying to control her reaction to my precarious situation.

Like that, Mr. Talented enters the room. He looks different from the qualifiers. Some messy stubble has managed to mature his boyish looks some and his eyes, which I always imagine full of an unreasonable grudge directed at myself, are instead cool. Combined with the thin line of his lips, they speak to a stern determination.

Though that’s all I get to see of him as my wife’s tongue entering me has me bowing my head to hide my reaction. It’s a miracle that I don’t make any sound. Alana similarly struggles beside me, letting out a long, shaky breath.

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Lady Tome,” the future hero says with strained courtesy.

Rallying my strength, I raise my head with a clenched jaw. Saints, I need to get him out of here. “What do you want?”

“…may I have a seat?”

No, you may not! But before I can offer my refusal, I have to bite my lip to cover a moan.

“Please do.”

I whip my head to Alana after her invitation. Her averted eyes speak to her guilt but her lips are quirked in a smile. She…is she trying to prolong this?

“It’s been a while. How have you been, Quin?”

She is! Who is this devious woman and what has she done with my future saint?

There’s a smile in the young man’s voice when he answers. “It’s been a busy few weeks. I’m sure you know there are many acolytes who are preparing to march north to participate in the next campaign through the Bleak Peaks.”

“Indeed. Victory has pushed farther than ever with the assistance of third parties. I have to admit, I’m surprised you will be attending. I would think someone with your abilities would have plenty of resources available without risking your life.”

“That’s the point. My teacher thinks I need more…real combat experience.”

“The Bleak Peaks is full of that but I still think it is an extreme option.”

“Yes, well, a hero’s journey is never easy. I’ve been preparing by spending time with the guilds, doing jobs with hunters. It’s been good. I’ve learned a lot.” He clears his throat. “Which is also why I’m here.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard but there was a commotion in Quest last night. Two casters and their trained manabeasts went on a rampage. They tore through the Torchbearers guild hall and killed the guildmaster before slaughtering several more hunters who tried to detain them.

“Obviously, the hunters are up in arms. The lord of the city has told them to stand down while he investigates but there are several teams of hunters who are determined to bring the perpetrators to their own justice. There are even rumors of bounties going around. Along with a description of the attackers. A dark-skinned woman with dark hair streaked with purple and purple eyes and a green-skinned woman with silver hair.”

There is a pause where he no doubt is looking at me but I can’t raise my head. There is no telling what expression I’m making as I restrain the urge to buck my hips as my climax nears. Kierra’s fingers stroke the head of my gift and I drop my head to the table as the pleasure wracks my body. It’s a miracle that I can still hold in my voice but as the next peak rapidly approaches with my sensitive appendage in her hand, I seriously doubt my ability to do so again.

“…can you not be bothered to look at me?”

My mouth opens wide as a new sensation assaults me. The tongue moving inside me changes, widening and gaining a strange texture. I can feel…bumps along it. Little hard nubs that rub my walls, adding a new dimension to the pleasure.

“You could at least answer me.”

Gathering my strength, I raise my head, finding it hard to concentrate on him with my fluttering eyelids, my eyes instinctively wanting to close. “Y-yeah, that was us.”

“Why? What could possibly motivate you to attack a respected guild and assassinate a master? Are you some embodiment of chaos that pain and death follow in your wake?”

Alana slaps the table sharply. “Enough! If you came here to ask questions, then calm down and listen to the answers.”

“…yes. I did come here for answers. Seeing as Lady Tome has no problem slaying those who inconvenience her, I would like to return with an explanation for the hunters so no one else has to die. However, they won’t be satisfied unless there is a good reason. The reputation of the Hall may keep them from kicking down your door but don’t underestimate the bonds between guild hunters. If they aren’t given a satisfactory answer, they’ll hunt you to the ends of the continent.”


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