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“May I make a request?” Talia asked once Dunwayne and the irate knight left.

“You may always ask, lily.”

“Please do not disturb the peace of the Hall.”

“Oh? Would it upset you?”

“I support its mission. The orphanage that raised me was a net to secure talented disciples to be raised for the benefit of the kingdom. The Hall seeks to improve all. As long as one is willing to work for it, they can become powerful and take control of their fate.”

“Yes, I find it quite admirable as well.”

“The Hall will suffer without Dunwayne.”

“Was I too obvious?”

“Mm.” The air practically vibrated with the elf’s excitement when Dunwayne delivered his threat. “He is his reputation. Even if you spared his life, the Harvest Hero suffering a defeat from a foreigner would be devastating.”

Kierra trailed her fingers through Talia’s hair, playing with the ends. “You’re confident I will win?”

“Dunwayne is a peaceful man at heart. You are the opposite. With his wind affinity, he could force you to a standstill but he could not take you down, which is as good as a lost.”

“You underestimate me, lily. I have hunted flying beasts before. I would bring him down.” Talia was pulled along as Kierra guided them toward the music. “Don’t worry, Talia. You, Lou, and Alana would be rather upset if I ruined this place. I’ve grown somewhat fond of the Hall myself. Besides, there is no sport in hunting aging legends. I have an understanding with the grandmaster and have every intention of letting him keep his peace. But I am very serious about my warning.”

“About Alana.”

“The knight would be lucky if the worse he faced was me. I can’t wait to see Lou’s reaction to the duke’s plan.”

“Lou. What is her role to you?” Talia knew the roles expected of her. To her teacher, she was the dutiful disciple. To the Hall, the quiet and ever watchful dorm mother. To Kierra, the delicate flower. To Lou, the enchanting concubine, eventually.

She didn’t quite understand the roles between Kierra and Lou. From what she observed of them, Kierra played a teacher, a guardian, a caregiver, a lover, and a rival. She couldn’t fathom what roles Lou played for the elf. It had to be something beyond that of a lover to make the woman leave her home and stick to her closer than fleas on a stray dog.

As they reached the dance floor, Kierra pulled her closer. She entrusted herself to the elf’s lead and they seamlessly joined the other dancers. “You understated your skill.”

“Ah, I said there was a chance I could show my clumsy side. A small chance, but it exists.”

“Are you going to answer me?”

Kierra kept her silence as they danced but it wasn’t a hostile one. Talia gave her time to decide, concentrating on their movements. She generally didn’t like dancing, as it required trusting her partner to guide her. The elf was one of her more enjoyable partners. No matter how she was pushed, pulled, and twirled, she felt nothing but the refreshingly biting air of the evening. If she couldn’t hear the tapping of dozens of feet and the buzz of muffled conversation, she’d believe they were dancing in an empty field.

“Lou found me in a moment of weakness,” Kierra said softly. “There have only been three times in my life when I felt despair. The first time I challenged my mother to a duel, the time my recklessness led to the death of warriors under my command, and during my resulting punishment for that failure. Three times in my entire life.

“My mother compounded my defeat with mockery, her form of encouragement. My second moment of despair was accompanied by fear and shame. There was no one I could turn to, no one I daredturn to. But the third time
Lou was there for me. I don’t believe she will ever understand how much her simply being there meant.

“She was there for me, she accepted me, and she comforted me. The worse enemy is truly the mind. I
I was in a bad place when I met her. She was a wonder, a bright spot after a spell of dull years. And the way she looked at me.” The elf chuckled. “Mm, I’d almost forgotten how it felt to be admired. Such innocent but beastly lust. She was just adorable.”

They danced in silence until the music ended. Kierra hastily pushed away those who tried to strike up conversation with them, nearly dragging Talia off to a quiet corner. A finger softly tapped the side of Talia’s head and she cast a familiar spell.

[Can you hear me, lily?]


[Good. There is a pest about I wouldn’t trust to have the good manners to mind his business. Are you tired? You are so thin, my flower, I worry the slightest exertion may snap your stem.]

[I am fine. Will you continue your tale?]

[I will bore you with the details of our courtship later. For now, I will say that our interest in each other began with mutual need. She needed safety and I needed companionship. We both needed satisfaction. But as time passed, I saw something in her. Not just her power, though I must admit that is what largely attracted me to her. No, I saw within her everything I need. But it had to be cultivated.

[You want to know what she is to me, lily? She is my lover, my comfort. She is my test and the most precious flower in my garden, an unparalleled treasure if cultivated to maturity. She is my grindstone and the friction between us will sharpen me. She is my comrade, someone I can trust to walk beside me on even the most dangerous hunts. And one day? When that ridiculous facade of a human noblewoman she clings to is stripped away?]

Talia’s eyes widened a fraction as she was pulled against Kierra, their chests pressing against each other as the elf leaned close enough for her breath to tickle the dorm mother’s nose.

[One day, that silly girl is going to be a force of nature. A being that all the races of this world couldn’t dream of looking in the eye, let alone challenge. And then, she will be my keeper.]

[Your keeper?] Talia asked.

[When I see a strong being, I want to bring it down. Life is a contest to determine the strongest and I am never willing to cede defeat. But Lou
I can admit defeat. She is the only one I will not challenge because I cannot challenge her. She is the onlyone who I can completely relax with. But only if she stops shying away from her power. So, I will push. I will push and push because she will not break. Instead, she will push back. Then the fun will really begin.]

[What if you’re wrong?] Talia asked. A good part of her training was learning about people. She had learned all about what motivated them because the same things broke them. People could thrive under pressure but, more often than not, it broke them.

[Are you worried I will break her before you get what you want?]

[Yes. And she does not deserve it.] Her apathy did not mean the dorm mother approved of senseless cruelty. [There are other ways. Better ways.]

[Your ways. Familiar doesn’t mean better. Besides, I’m sure. After all, she told me herself.]

[She asked you to break her down?]

[Mm. I gave her the option from the very beginning. I gave her sweet and not so sweet then let her decide. I could have been gentle
but she asked me not to be. And she’s responded so well since.] Kierra huffed. [I won’t deny I prefer this way as well but that just means we are suited for one another.]

[Will you take responsibility if you’re wrong?]

[Do I seem like a scoundrel? Of course I will take responsibility. Even if she decides not to be a conqueror, I will not abandon her. I love her. She can never fight another day in her life and I will treasure her as another flower. But she won’t take that path.] Kierra grinned viciously. [She enjoys being powerful too much.]

Talia felt there were quite a few flaws in the woman’s logic but she had gone searching for reassurance and gotten it. The elf wouldn’t carelessly break and discard Lourianne Tome before Talia had the chance to reap the benefits of their association. That was what mattered.

“If you’re satisfied my lily, let us partake in some of the refreshments.” Kierra tucked one of her delicate hands in the crook of her elbow and walked them off towards one of the tents. “I have to keep you watered.”



Lou already fixed that by adjusting her prime forms natural pheromones to include the parts of a male troll that Kii is addicted to. Kierra had to adjust herself so she did not turn mindlessly submissive when exposed to it in order to be able to keep pushing Lou in and out of bed.


The long-awaited explanation of Kierra's feelings. It's quite nice and relieving to affirm my thoughts about her. In relation to Geneva and Lou's theory on Kierra's trauma-induced addiction, if she succeeded in making Lou more powerful than her, will that be the cure then? Not an instant cure but gradually lessen it till it disappear?

Nate R.

Kierra: Lists her reasons for being with Lou. Aurelius: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.