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“My duties ran late and I have no plans to change,” Talia said, following the voice to her visitor, Kierra helping her the last few steps with an outstretched hand. She was pulled into a warm hug that still felt overly familiar despite the elf’s attempts to make her more comfortable with contact.

The mannerisms in the capital were stiff, especially amongst those in power who were overly sensitive to watching eyes. Something that suited her fine but would not work if she wanted to get closer to the well of power in the guise of a lecherous noblewoman.

“No, no. A beauty like you attending a gathering in such drab clothing is an insult to the world. A lunar lily is dazzling on its own but steals the sanity of men beneath a full moon.” Kierra chuckled. “Though of course you care little for such things. Let me put in a way you will understand. I wish to dress you. Once we are done with this party, I can take you home and ensure Lou thoroughly admires you.”

“Accepted,” Talia said immediately. She cared little for her appearance, as it had no bearing on her power, and had no concern for the opinions of others. The elf could wrap her in a few pieces of ribbon and her only consideration would be whether the party would be held somewhere warm.

“Are you sure you wish to attend this event?” Talia asked as Kierra hooked their arms together and walked her from the room. “Aurelius is the organizer.” She was aware of the bald instructor’s fascination with Kierra, which stemmed from a deeper fascination with the whole of her race, and was equally aware of how Lou felt about it.

“I believe I can defend myself from his eager admiration. And if not, I will have you there to protect me, hm?”

“If you want.”

“Besides, you have more to fear in the realm of lustful advances than me, my lunar lily. I am a married woman and make no secret of my power. A docile temptation like you? There will be no end to the men who get unsavory ideas.”

“As you said, I will have you there to protect me.”

“Oh? You think I will?”

“You will not allow anyone to lay hands on me because I belong to Lou.”

“Mm~ Well said. You’re learning well. Lines like that will make my little conqueror melt. But you forgot one thing.” The elf’s breath was hot on Talia’s ear as she leaned down to whisper to her. “What belongs to Lou belongs to me, so you’re mine too~”

Talia nodded absently, unbothered by the statement. It was all the same to her. She had been trading herself for benefits since she was a child. She’d always known that one day that would include her body. Whether it was to a nobleman or an elf made no difference.

They entered her room and Kierra wasted no time in stripping her of her simple robe before guiding her to sit on the chair before her vanity. “You must make time later this week for us to attend the market together. This bare room is simply depressing. A flower needs to be housed in a proper garden.”

“Appearances matter little to me.”

“Yes, but what about comfort? Plush cushions to lay against, good food, and fine wine. You seek power, which is admirable, but power is a tool meant to be used to obtain the finer things in life.”

Talia hummed as she considered. “I suppose. But only the strong are entitled to those things. I will savor them then.”

“Haha, and I’ll make sure they’re waiting for you! Now, try not to lose your balance.”

Talia followed the insistent hands that moved her body to and fro as the elf dressed her. As usual, she used a spell, wanting to understand the elf’s mood, as Kierra’s approval was quite important to her plans.

She was projecting a mix of pleasure and excitement, along with the faintest traces of sympathy. Despite her forceful methods and strange ideologies, at least from the perspective of someone raised in the kingdom, Kierra truly seemed to enjoy taking care of others. Especially when it gave her some power over their lives.

“Where do you keep your accessories?”

“I don’t know.”

“To not bother to know the location of your own wealth. You trust that servant girl of yours too much.”

“Marie has been with me since she was a girl.”

“Oh? And how long have you been with the head interrogator? Time and proximity do not guarantee loyalty. Unless you…”

“Young minds are fragile. I am saying I have watched her since she was a girl. I know her, better than she knows herself.”

“If you insist. Here.” Talia felt a something slightly cool and smooth loop around her neck. “A bit childish to make jewelry from flowers but nature is the fairest maiden. Time to go.”

“We can take my carriage.”

“No need.” She heard the window being pushed out before she was lifted. The hiss of air and the feeling of her stomach dropping told her they’d left the room by unconventional means. The slightest bend at the corners of her lips and tiniest line in her brows expressed her displeasure. There were only a few things that could make her aware of her lack of sight but traveling under another’s power without anything beneath her feet to ground her managed to do so.

“Relax. You are perfectly safe with me, Talia.”

Talia ignored the words and searched for the feeling beneath them. She found the usual amusement and slight sympathy. No anger, no guilt. Nothing to indicate the elf meant her any harm.

That allowed the dorm mother to relax. As Kierra briefly landed on the ground and started to run, Talia laid her head on the elf’s shoulder, eliciting a chuckle.

“Did you do as I asked, my flower?”

“My teacher does not know my family but was able to trace my origins as far as the southwest. I am likely an orphan from one of the coastal villages, a victim of a Graywatch raid.”

“I see.”

“I don’t understand why you are so interested in this.”

“You have a mesmerizing voice, Talia. It is what drew Lou to you in the first place. More than once, she has described it as magical and I began to think that she may be correct. There is a creature that bewitches its prey with its voice. A creature of the sea, as it happens.”

“…you think I am not human.”

“Not entirely.”

“…will that change our arrangement?”

The elf laughed. “Are you asking whether we will lose interest? Hardly! If anything, it makes you more interesting. If you are descended from the creature I am thinking of, then you are wasting your potential with only pursuing the mental affinity.”

“This creature…knowing about it can make me stronger?”

“Why else would I be interested?”

Talia nodded sharply, a rare excitement making her heart pound a touch faster. “I will put more effort into finding out the details.”

“Be careful. You have to protect yourself once Lou and I leave to go play in the north. She’d be quite upset if she came back to see you hurt, though that’d be its own fun. Afterwards, we can see about arranging a trip to the coast. The pet has shown an interest in the city of outlaws. Put it out of your mind for now, lily. We have arrived.”



emotions are great, I always thought that not understanding them is sad.


Methinks she understands them too much, in a clinical way. Like when you know too much about music theory and cannot appreciate music anymore. Because your mind naturally disassemble the symphony into its components and analyses them, instead of enjoying the whole.


Yeah! Trip to Graywatch incomming! Eventually! First the siren-woman! Next the shark-woman!