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The entire house is gathered as I carry Kierra through the front door. My young steward is unflappable, holding his curious sister by the shoulders to prevent her from going outside. Gajin is standing by the window, staring out at the devastated garden with a crestfallen expression. Nomad is propped up against a wall, head nodding as he fights sleep.

They all look up at the sound of my footsteps. “Milady…” Gajin says, the man sounding close to tears. I wince. Both because of the possibility of seeing a grown man’s tears and my slight guilt.

These are my little oddballs and I care about them. I wouldn’t be sympathetic if it was something simple but the man dedicates his life to plants. I knew the moment I set fire to the garden that it’d be a devastating blow and did it anyway. If I can’t feel some guilt over that, then I might as well take my heart from my prime form. No need to keep something I’m not using.

“Alright.” I make my way over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, the man stumbling a little. Ah, check my strength, check my strength. My control is a little lacking after the all-out slug fest with my wife.

“Tomorrow, she’s going to help you fix it.” I jostle the elf on my shoulder. It’s only right. Her using the plants is what led to their destruction. “Just imagine. A garden filled with bigger, stronger plants.” I’m not afraid to making promises. Kierra’s the one who has to deliver and she’s more than capable. If it’s really too much, I’ll throw the succubi at it. “You don’t see it now but this is a good thing.”

He takes a deep breath and exhales shakily. “The mistress…is amazing.”

“Isn’t she? In fact, write down three, ah, flowers you really want but were out of your reach. I’ll get them for you.”

He brightens up. “That’s…thank you, milady!” He nods to himself rapidly, like a chicken pecking feed. “Mm. The ashes will make the soil rich. Yes, the garden will be better than ever. We can make it the treasure of the Hall!”

Ambitious but sure. “Exactly. That’s the spirit.”

“I must go draw plans!” He takes three large steps before turning around and giving me a hasty bow. “Good evening, milady.”

“Yeah, have fun.” I chuckle as he bolts out the door, dodging the few lingering fires as he makes his way back to his shack. “Nomad, you can go on back to sleep.”

“The cycle of destruction and rebirth is as timeless as the stars,” he mutters sleepily before stumbling off toward his room. Ah, maybe he’s saying he wasn’t worried? Or maybe he’s glad I’m okay? There’s no understanding that man.

“Earl, I’ve got a job for you.” The young man perks up like a dog hearing the dinner bell. “There’s a giant hole in my bedroom. I need supplies to fix it. You know where the house funds are. Make a list. Tomorrow, you can grab Mr. Self-Made and go shopping. Spare no expense, consult Geneva in the morning if you have any doubts. Oh, and swing by Gajin’s shack before bed to see if he needs anything to get started. And remind him to go to sleep.” Knowing that maniac, he’ll be up all night designing his dream garden.

“As you say, my lady!” he replies crisply.

“I’ve got to go handle this.” I jostle my wife and she lets out a weak groan. “Probably shouldn’t disturb us for the rest of the night.”

“As you say.”

Anna moves the most she can under his grip. I look down as she extends a hand, fist closed. Slowly, I bend down, not wanting to spook her, but her usually manic eyes are clear. I put a hand under hers and the little fingers unfurl. A small golden candy, one of the ones Geneva gives her, falls into my palm. She gives my wife a long look before stepping back toward her brother, blinking at us.

Awwww! I’m dying of cuteness. Who knew there was such a good girl under that stab-happy maniac raised by bandits? “Thank you, Anna,” I say warmly. “I’ll make sure she gets it.”

The little girl nods and gives me a thin smile.

Haah. Is this what a proud parent feels like?

“Then, we’ll take our leave.” Earl gives me a quick bow before leading his sister away. I watch them go with a fond smile before going up the steps. On the way, I feel Kierra twitch; a quick jerk of her arm or a flex of her toes. The poison is starting to lose its kick, huh. Not that it matters.

Geneva and Bell are waiting in the bedroom, lounging on the bed without a care for the wanton destruction throughout the room. I hadn’t noticed before but we destroyed quite a look of furniture. I guess it’s to be expected when I have an elf charging around like a mad bull. I have to step carefully around the splintered wood to avoid damaging the floor further.

I gently lay Kierra on the bed, spreading her limbs and combing her hair out of her face.

“Welcome back, my summoner,” Geneva purrs, leaning towards us with a sharp gaze. “I take it our work paid off?”

“Yeah, knocked her on her ass.”


“It’s not going to work a second time.”

“That is why your prime form is designed to synthesize all kinds of poisons. What fun we’ll have.”

“Mmhm. But we’re still not done with today. Bell.”

“Coo!” My favorite imp jumps towards me, eyes wide and eager. [Please give me a command, Master Lou.]

“Binds.” I’d normally never expect her to be able to contain my wife but these aren’t ordinary circumstances. With her showing off, Kierra’s sure to have burned through, at least, a quarter of her mana. My guess would be closer to half. Fighting off the paralytic is going to take a large chunk out of what’s left, especially since she’s trying to do it quickly.

At her full strength, Bell’s at a significant advantage. Something she knows from the wide smile she gives me. I hear a faint rumble and turn to see a cloud of earth flow through the hole in the wall. It breaks into four flows, going around my wife’s wrists and ankles before condensing. Bell does something to change it as the brown earth turns into thin circlets of matte black stone.

“Coo~” [She will not be able to break the circlets before I can repair them and I control their positions.]

“Great.” If she was at full strength, Kierra would eventually win the tug of war of their magic. Or, more sensibly, would never allow herself to be bound. At the moment, she’s recovered enough movement to flex her hands, forming and unforming fists. “I think we have time to get dinner going before the poison’s run its course. Something simple.”

Geneva’s tail swings, no doubt reading my thoughts. “Of course.”

As she leaves the room, I make myself comfortable on the bed, clinging to Kierra’s side as I lay my head on her chest. The chilly breeze of the oncoming winter feels great while pressed against my wife’s hot body as it works hard to purge the foreign substance compromising it. I relax, riding the edge of sleep while listening to my succubus work her magic in the kitchen.



That little girl is going to have an interesting outlook on life, what with being raised by bandits, succubi, Lou and Kierra.


Anna is so cute. I love that she wants to give Kierra her candy. It shows she trusts them and that she likes to share. I hope Geneva is able to help (close to) fully repair her mind. I'm interested to see how she turns out and it would make Earl even more loyal and grateful. Kierra and Lou are crazy but I do love them. They push each other in odd somewhat unhealthy ways but at the end of the day, their sadomasochistic relationship will make them stronger fighters and casters. Mostly I like that there is a strong sense of consent in even their most sadistic actions except for that fight in the Initiate arc of course.